Sunday, January 31, 2016

Spring Scenes From 2015

The first month of 2016 is all but a memory by now.What will the next month bring or each one after it? It's a good thing we don't know that,all we need to do is cherish each moment.
Today I have a variety of images taken during the early spring of 2015.

An old broken down building is all that remains of what could well have been part of a farm yard,years ago.

This is an iPhone shot.I am treated to a scene like this on many mornings,on my way to work.Because this is obviously taken on the tracks and I am stopped in my car,I don't have a lot of time.I am not happy about the flares,but still like the image enough to share it.

The leafless tres show that this is early in spring,but those clouds look like they might bring a good rain to wake up the earth and speed the growth of new leaves.

As the ice on the small ponds melts,it leaves little fingers of clear ice on some of the surfaces,creating intricate designs.

The Canada Geese don't seem to mind the icy water of a nearby pond.Soon the remaining ice will thaw and the geese can set up for nesting and raising their families.

Closing Thought:
Let us learn to appreciate there will be times when the trees will be bare,
and look forward to the time when we may pick fruit.
Anton Chekhov

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Looking Back — Looking Forward

I won't say that I am wishing winter away just yet,BUT I am looking forward to warmer days and the arrival of the birds.
Yes,I know that it will still be a month or more before we can expect these things to happen,but I also know that I can look back to last year and see what I have to look forward to.

 In a few short weeks the rays of the sun will bring enough warmth to start melting the ice on the ponds.

Will I see this many Bald Eagles in one place again? Who knows? I do know that each Eagle is a thrill to see and I look forward to watching them soar over the Pembina Valley.

Once the sun has begun to melt the ice on the lake the sunsets will take on new beauty again.

Before long,this is what we can expect to see over the valley.Bring it on,I can hardly wait.

Of course as the weather warms up,there is work to do as well.
Last year my granddaughter was inspired to give her bike a good cleaning,so she would be ready to ride alongside her Dad again.

Closing Thought:
Happiness isn't about getting what you want all the time.
It's about loving what you have and being grateful for it.

Even as I look forward to spring,I am thankful for each day and the blessings that come with that day.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Frosty Sunrise

What do bus drivers do on their first day of Christmas Break?
This bus driver and her friend and co-worker got up early on December 19,the first day of our Christmas break,and headed out by 8am to take some pictures.
I will share the pictures and you decide if it was worth getting up early on a day off to see this.

Of course we were out of town before sunrise,and had to stop along the way when the sun started painting the eastern sky in gorgeous colors.

A little later the clouds looked like they were on fire.

The frost covered trees were tinted a beautiful soft shade of pink as the sunlight hit them.

Here is another look at these pretty trees,highlighted by the morning sun.

At the side of the road was another photo opportunity just waiting for us.Some old fence poles and few roles of wire,now covered with snow,looked artistic to me.

As we headed further west the frost became heavier and the scenery more beautiful.

 A closer look at those branches heavy with the frost.

And still closer.It was spectacular to say the least.

We had driven quite a few miles from town with one purpose in mind.Up until now,what we saw were bonuses,but my friend wanted to show me a particular tree.

This tree stands out in the field and it has a piano,complete with a bench,standing under it.
I do not know the story behind this,but I do know that it makes a unique picture

It had been a fantastic morning of friendship,music on her car stereo and pictures,but our tummies were reminding us that we had not eaten breakfast yet. We left this beauty,headed back into town and enjoyed a hearty breakfast.This was a wonderful way to start our two week break from school.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Roses and Friends

It's time to brighten this blog with some color.
I can't find color outside in our winter world of black and white,but I can still find color.

In December,my neighbours brought over this colourful and cheerful floral arrangement.By way of explanation.The base is the bottom part of a 'Christmas Ornament' and the piece on the top right,is the  rest of it.When the flowers were gone and I put these two together it was a cheery Christmas ball.

Roses are always welcome in my home,whether at Christmas or any other time.These red ones were exquisite.

Red,white and green,what perfect colors to display at Christmas time,or any time.

I found this quote,think about and see if you can come up with an answer.
I don't know whether nice people tend to grow roses or growing roses makes people nice. 
Roland A. Browne

One more picture of the arrangement.It was beautiful and because of pictures,it will last for years to come.

Closing Thought:
Roses and friends differ only in name,
for the joy that they give are one and the same.
Author Unknown

Monday, January 11, 2016

More Frosty Scenes

Can you handle more frosty scenes?
We have been blessed with the most beautiful hoar frosts this winter and I am thankful that I have been able to capture some of that beauty.

This post starts and ends with a scene from Lake Minniwasta,the remaining pictures need no descriptions.Enjoy!

Closing Thought:
Nature is but a name for an effect, whose cause is God.
    William Cowper

Friday, January 8, 2016

Winter Wonderland Walk,Part 2

Are you ready to continue our winter wonderland walk?
There is just so much beauty that I don't want for us to miss any of it.

As we walk along we see these lacy stems all covered in frost.

Let's stop and take a close look at some of the details in the frost covered pine needles.

Oh,but let's not pass this tree too quickly.Isn't that a beauty?

We walk up to the tree and notice the two trunks,turned into a work of art by the snow and frost.

Once again we stop and take a close look at some ice and frost standing upright on a structure.Those frosty spikes almost look dangerous.

Closing Thought:
The future lies before you,like a field of fallen snow;be careful how you tread it,for every step will show.

I remember using this verse years ago in autograph books.Does anyone remember those books and how we all had one and tried to get classmates and friends to write a note for us.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Winter Wonderland Walk

Come with me on a winter wonderland walk. You will want to put on a warm,heavy jacket,perhaps a hat and certainly some warm gloves.

All is still and quiet and all you hear as we walk along is the crunch of the snow beneath our feet.

A heavy layer of frost coats every branch,twig and even blade of dried grass.

Places that usually would not cause you to stop and take a second look,now have become gorgeous,frosty sights.

Let's stop and take a closer look at some of that frost.It is delicate and so pretty.

There is still a wintery fog in the air,but that only serves to turn this ordinary place into an extraordinary sight.

Before we head back to the warmth of the car,we stop one more time to take a close look at a milkweed pod coated with frost.

Closing Thought:
Psalm 147:16 says,
 He spreads the snow like wool
and scatters the frost like ashes
(Psalms 147:16 NIV)

God has sure scattered a lot of frost around and turned my world into a winter wonderland.
Thanks for taking a short walk with me.I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Freshly Fallen Snow

For this post I am going back to the middle of December.I share with you some scenes of one of our first good snowfalls.

I really like to see the snow fall and remain on the branches. This doesn't happen that often,as we very often get a wind either with the snow or shortly after.

No special words are needed with these pictures,except to say that all were taken on my yard and the last two from my dining room window.

Blue Jay waiting to come to the feeder to get peanuts.

The White-breasted Nuthatch also waiting his turn at the feeder.

Closing Thought taken from a perpetual calendar on Friendship:
Friends are very special.
They make you smile and encourage you to succeed.
They lend and ear,and they share a word of praise.