The first month of 2016 is all but a memory by now.What will the next month bring or each one after it? It's a good thing we don't know that,all we need to do is cherish each moment.
Today I have a variety of images taken during the early spring of 2015.
Today I have a variety of images taken during the early spring of 2015.
An old broken down building is all that remains of what could well have been part of a farm yard,years ago.
This is an iPhone shot.I am treated to a scene like this on many mornings,on my way to work.Because this is obviously taken on the tracks and I am stopped in my car,I don't have a lot of time.I am not happy about the flares,but still like the image enough to share it.
The leafless tres show that this is early in spring,but those clouds look like they might bring a good rain to wake up the earth and speed the growth of new leaves.
As the ice on the small ponds melts,it leaves little fingers of clear ice on some of the surfaces,creating intricate designs.
The Canada Geese don't seem to mind the icy water of a nearby pond.Soon the remaining ice will thaw and the geese can set up for nesting and raising their families.
Closing Thought:
Let us learn to appreciate there will be times when the trees will be bare,
and look forward to the time when we may pick fruit.
Anton Chekhov