Wednesday, December 17, 2014

This and That Before Christmas

It is one week before Christmas eve. For me Christmas will happen on Sunday,December 21st.It just happens to work best for us to do it that day,but it really doesn't matter which day we celebrate,the reason is still the same.It is the birthday of Jesus.

I have a few random pictures I want to share today,not necessarily connected to Christmas.
It has been at least a year,maybe two,since I last had any Common Redpolls on my yard,so I was thrilled,when  a few weeks back two showed up.Unfortunately,I saw them that day and have not seen them since,but at least I got a picture or two.

I have not been seriously looking for Snowy Owls,although,I am hearing that there are quite a few around.I got this far away picture on a recent trip to Winnipeg with my son. This is a lovely male,as indicated by it's whiteness.

 This picture does have something to do with Christmas,as it is an icicle decoration hanging on one of my trees.I like the iridescence of these icicles.

 Here is another image,taken a while back.It shows lake Minniwasta,all frozen over.

A few years back one of my blogging friends,Anita,from did you bring your camera?,sent me a set of crystals for my window.I love seeing them and think of her often as I watch the rainbows on the walls. Thanks again,Anita.

Here is part of my living room,adorned with a multitude of dancing rainbows.I absolutely love this and miss them in summer when the sun is a different angle.

I think this quote fits well with today's post.

One smile,can start a friendship.
One word,can save a fight.
One person,can change your life.

I want to be that one person,who can give a smile and start a friendship or change a life.
So many of you have,and are giving that smile daily to those you meet and by your words,to those who read the blogs.Keep it up.

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