Monday, December 22, 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

This Christmas post is short.The greeting on the card expresses my thoughts.

I will be back in the blogging world in 2015.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

This and That Before Christmas

It is one week before Christmas eve. For me Christmas will happen on Sunday,December 21st.It just happens to work best for us to do it that day,but it really doesn't matter which day we celebrate,the reason is still the same.It is the birthday of Jesus.

I have a few random pictures I want to share today,not necessarily connected to Christmas.
It has been at least a year,maybe two,since I last had any Common Redpolls on my yard,so I was thrilled,when  a few weeks back two showed up.Unfortunately,I saw them that day and have not seen them since,but at least I got a picture or two.

I have not been seriously looking for Snowy Owls,although,I am hearing that there are quite a few around.I got this far away picture on a recent trip to Winnipeg with my son. This is a lovely male,as indicated by it's whiteness.

 This picture does have something to do with Christmas,as it is an icicle decoration hanging on one of my trees.I like the iridescence of these icicles.

 Here is another image,taken a while back.It shows lake Minniwasta,all frozen over.

A few years back one of my blogging friends,Anita,from did you bring your camera?,sent me a set of crystals for my window.I love seeing them and think of her often as I watch the rainbows on the walls. Thanks again,Anita.

Here is part of my living room,adorned with a multitude of dancing rainbows.I absolutely love this and miss them in summer when the sun is a different angle.

I think this quote fits well with today's post.

One smile,can start a friendship.
One word,can save a fight.
One person,can change your life.

I want to be that one person,who can give a smile and start a friendship or change a life.
So many of you have,and are giving that smile daily to those you meet and by your words,to those who read the blogs.Keep it up.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Around the Yard

I seem to be in a bit of a slump with photography or is it just that there is not too much to take pictures of.
After a recent snowfall,I did go outside to look for photos and found some. All of these are taken either from inside my house or on my yard.

We look for frosted cones to decorate our Christmas trees.I had one that was decorated by God Himself. 

If you have followed this blog for any length of time,you know about my obsession of taking pictures of my frost covered windows.Here is another unique design.

With the setting sun in the corner of this shot the frost flowers take on a new look.

A few remaining clusters of berries on the Mountain Ash,look extra special with a cap of snow.

One of the evergreen trees has this interesting bark.It peels away and creates all kinds of designs.

Today's thought includes each of you.
Thank you God for all your blessings on me and my family.
For the strength You give me each day and for 
all the people around me who make life more meaningful.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Thirty-five Years of Service

Thirty-five years ago,I timidly stepped into a school bus for my first drive with it.I did not expect to be at this job  much longer than a year or two,yet now 35 years later,I am still driving and enjoying my job.Many children have passed through the bus doors,these have grown up and now have children of their own. I am seeing those children on my bus now.Who would have thought that this would happen.
MANY the miles that I have put in sitting in a vehicle like this one.

Many a wintery morning I have been greeted by this sort of scene. Ice all over the bus.At times like this I have to let it run a little longer to thaw the ice off before I drive.

Field trips have been part of each of those years.This one was to see the wind turbines in a near-by community.

It was a rainy,cold day,so I got to see this sort of view most of the day,while the teachers and children toured the area and got wet and cold.

I and two of my fellow drivers reached this milestone and at our annual Division Christmas Banquet were honoured and rewarded for these years of service.
Each of us got to pick our own gift,within a certain dollar amount.

This is what I chose. The back view. WSD stand for Western School Division.

Front view,complete with lots of sparkle. Sorry for my reflection in this one.

Western School Division has been good to me over the years. I plan on being employed with them for a few more years. No reason to quit my job when I'm still enjoying it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Memories of Winter 2013

December is well on the way and activities are many,as we prepare for Christmas.
Living in southern Manitoba,Canada,one thing we like to see around this time of year,or at least some of us like to see,is a good layer of snow.We have some,the ground is mostly covered,but ideally,I would like to see more.
The following are images from the end of December of 2013.

All photos are taken on my yard and likely from the warm comfort of my house,perhaps through an open window. Enjoy,winter as it should be in Manitoba.

I love watching a snowfall like this. Big flakes,quickly blanketing the landscape.

The words from this song seem to match the images above.

Snowy flakes are falling softly
Clothing all the world in white
High above the stars are shining
Twinkling through the wint'ry night
Was it just like this, we wonder,
Starry bright and crisp and cold
On that Christmas night of old?

Angels spread their wondrous story:
Jesus Christ is born today
"Peace on earth," they sang, "and glory
Be to God on High alway"
So we sing the sweetest carols
Telling how the King of love
Came to save from heaven above

Friday, December 5, 2014

Birds Around My Yard

I realize that I used to post a lot more birds.Well,here are a few of my recent bird photos.

This Dark-eyed Junco was enjoying his bath time and why not,the water was warm in the heated bird bath and no one else was waiting for a turn.

I looked out one day and saw Waxwings in the maple tree. when I lifted my lens to focus on them,I realized these were Bohemian Waxwings.They come around in fall and spring,so it was a special sighting.

I wish I had been able to get closer,but this was the best I could do. Just in case someone doesn't know,you can tell they are the Bohemian,because of the rusty undertail coverts,or feathers.

I get some of these pictures through the window. The bird bath is on the deck railing.I have the pleasure of having the White-breasted Nuthatches around all year and I am thankful for that.

Another bird I am thankful for is the Blue Jay.I can count on them to brighten most any day.If I provide the peanuts,they will provide me with photo opportunities.

Thought to ponder:
Don't forget to pray today,because God didn't forget to wake you up.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Looking To The Sky

I LOVE watching the sky. There is almost always beauty in the sky.
Most of these pictures were taken with my iPhone.

Delicate white,wispy clouds in a beautiful blue sky. PERFECTION.

Fall can bring with it some dark skies. Some people would call them dreay skies,but I still see beauty.The patterns in the clouds are so unique.

This shot is very similar to the one before it,but I love that dark and billowy sky.

By now,some of you may be saying,'enough already',but I couldn't stop taking more pictures.

This last picture is taken with my camera.The blue of the sky was what made me stop to get a picture.

A simple quote I found says:
It's a good day to have a good day.