Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A Birthday Surprise and a Photo Ride

On October 25,I was called upon to help surprise my friend of many years.Her birthday is October 29,but her daughter decided to give her a surprise 65th birthday party on the 25th. My job was to get her out of the house for a while,so the house could be readied and the guests could arrive.

I decided to take her with me on a photography ride.We headed north and west of Morden.Here are a few pictures from that ride.

Before I go any further,let me say,we did surprise her,but I was surprised as well when I found that she enjoyed the photography almost as much as I did.

The first stop was at the old railroad bridge,which has been shown on this blog a few times before.
You can see that the trees are bare,but the bridge still was photogenic.

Along the side of the road we found a few Milkweed pods bursting with ripe seeds.

 We made our way to a valley still further north.This is called the St. Lupicin area and is very picturesque. The white bark on this stand of birch trees caught my attention.

A little further down the road was this scene and I knew I needed to get a picture of it.I like the old broken down tree and the blue sky background.

I had to stop and get this picture of the bare trees and the blue sky.

 It was a fun few hours,but by now I needed to get the honoured guest home to the party. I knew we would be late,but hurried home as best I could,without giving any clue as to what was happening.
Once we turned down her street,she saw some cars which she recognized and wanted to know if I had been asked to take her away for a while. I had to confess,but it was still somewhat of a surprise for her. Happy Birthday Hannah,glad I could have a part in celebrating your birthday.

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