Monday, May 26, 2014

Black And White Birds

I have a set of pictures taken the other day when I was up at Lake Manitoba,and the surrounding area.
As I looked at these,I realized,that although they are coloured pictures,it is mostly balk and white.

The first picture is that of a Franklin Gull,and yes,it is white with a little black.If you look closely you can also see a hint of pink on the belly.I find that very interesting,and have no idea what they have that.

This is mostly a black bird,but I was surprised to see that the wings are two-toned.This is a Double-crested Cormorant and it is also one of the better pictures I have ever gotten of this bird. It does have a patch of bright yellow or orange under the bill as well.

This is one of those sights I just never get tired of seeing.The American White Pelican is a graceful flyer with a very large wingspan.This bird has a wingspan of up to 110 inches.

I was fascinated by the Common Terns and their hunting style. I love when they hover like this one is doing and then suddenly dive straight down into the water,only to surface with some morsel of food.

Last but not least is a picture that brought me great joy,even though it is not totally sharp.
The Western Grebes were pairing off and here we see a pair running on the water.This may not be new to many of my readers,but I had only seen this once before,so I was thrilled.As they run one can actually hear the feet slapping the water.In this picture you can see that this pair had an audience as well.

The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things.


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