Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What an Awesome God We Have!

This post is a mixture of photos so bear with me.

On Saturday April 5,I was on my way to the Raptor Awareness Festival.My friend and I were a little early so we drove around to the ski area in this town.I made her stop so that I could get some pictures.
It looked like the runs were freshly groomed and I liked the patterns this had left on the slopes.

Here is a wider view of the La Riveire ski area.This is a popular spot for ski enthusiasts.

Slowly but surely the birds are making their return north and I welcome each one.
This American Tree Sparrow was foraging for food right close to my house.

Here is one of the early spring birds which I not only enjoy seeing,but I look forward to the bright songs of the Western Meadowlark,each spring.You can see that I am being serenaded as I take the photo. 
The angle is not good,as he was at the top of a hydro pole.

 Sitting on my deck,enjoying the warm sunshine,my eyes were drawn to the pine cones at the top of the tree.I know they are nothing that special,but I thought they were pretty.

I must include one picture of the lunar eclipse.I was not sure that I wanted to get up for this,so I didn't set an alarm.My thought was that if I woke up,it was meant to be.Well,I did wake up at the right time and got out of my nice warm bed.I had already figured out that I could open a window and shoot through there,so that is just what I did. I handheld the camera,but tried to stabilize it by resting on the side of the window frame. Not a perfect picture,but I'm happy that I got it.

 From seeing snow patterns on a ski slope to the spring birds  and finally the eclipse of the moon,all I can say is.'What an awesome God we have.'

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