Thursday, December 12, 2013

Frost and Flowers

Frost and flowers do not belong together,but for this post they do.I hope you are not getting tired of seeing the frost on my windows.I think it is beautiful and quite frankly,there is not much else to take pictures of right now.

This is a frost covered window and no,it is not in my house.This is one of the side windows on the school bus.I had the bus at home a couple of days and the frost on the windows really caught my attention.It seemed that each window had a slightly different pattern on it.

Just so you get an idea of what I was seeing,here is a picture taken with my iPhone,while standing beside the dining room table.This is one reason I don't want the bus at my house to often.I really prefer to see something other than just the bus. The picture above was taken before little hands had left their marks all over the windows.

I must also show a couple of pictures of the frost on my house windows.The delicate swirls are just too pretty to ignore.

I took note of this one small patch of frost,away from the others,yet so lovely. It is simply amazing how the frost forms into these tiny designs.

I did mention that I had flowers as well. Here is another picture of the arrangement sent to me by my neighbours.I am so richly blessed to have wonderful neighbours on either ride of me.

My Facebook friends have already seen the Amaryllis flowers I have,but I wanted to share them here as well.I have two different bulbs.This one has three flower spikes and the two which have opened,each have four large flowers.One of the flowers measured 6 ½ " across. I am now waiting for the other bulb to show it's flowers.

From the intricate designs of the frost to the beauty of the flowers,our God designs them all.

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