Monday, November 4, 2013

The Colors of Sunset

Those of you who follow me on Facebook,already know that I went for a drive yesterday,
November 3,so this is not news to you.
I left town,not expecting to see much of anything,because it was very overcast and the light was fading fast. When I left town,I glanced towards the west and thought that the sunset might be OK.
I found a spot from which to shoot and waited,as the sun was setting.
I was not prepared for the beauty which I saw.The clouds parted just enough to give a spectacular sunset.

I was thrilled that I had not stayed at home.

After taking many shots at this location,I started towards home.When I had a chance to once again look west,I realized that the beauty was not over,so I quickly pulled over to the side of the road and took a few more pictures.

This was looking almost due north,but I liked how the clouds were lit up.

Turning more toward the west,the clouds were a beautiful shade of pink to mauve.After  not taking pictures,except with my phone for too long,I was thrilled to be able to witness such beauty.

Here are two pictures taken around the middle of October.
This first one is in the Pembina Valley,but at a different location from where I usually go.
We have a lot of Oak trees and often they are not very pretty in fall,but I think this picture shows that even the Oak can be beautiful.

As I was driving along some back country roads,I saw this stand of Birch trees.The brilliant blue sky,white tree trunks and the golden leaves,combined to make a very pleasing sight.

Thanks for joining me on a drive around the countryside near Morden.

I am currently in a ladies Bible study,where we are going through some of the Psalms.
I want to share with you  one verse.

The Lord protects you;the Lord is a shelter right by your side.
Psalm 121:5 ( Holman Christian Standard translation)

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