Monday, September 30, 2013

Fall In Manitoba

Fall is fully upon us.Many flowers have finished blooming.
In a pasture I found these thistles,which were still a source of food for several insects.

This particular flower was the busiest one,with five bees and some sort of moth all feeding at the same time.

In one corner of my deck the Mums are putting on a bright display of colour. I like having a few pots of Mums around in fall,as these flowers keep on blooming right into the time of frost.

This was taken about two weeks ago and the leaves were just beginning to change colour.
This is the road which goes into the Pembina Valley and along which the spring Hawkwatch takes place.

At the bottom of the valley is the Pembina River and you all know what I have to do when I see water. I have to get some reflection shots.

Here is another part of the Pembina Valley,a few miles from the other place.
This is a fairly steep drop into the valley basin. The valley is much wider in this area and thus has a different beauty about it.

I love the Pembina Valley area.It has so much beauty in it,Yes,I know,it does not have the gorgeous mountains or tumbling water falls,but rather a more subdued beauty.
I would love to travel to faraway places,but since that is not likely to happen anytime soon,I will find beauty close to home.
I read a thought today,written by Henry Ward Beecher,which puts it so well.

If you can eat today,enjoy the sunlight today,
mix good cheer with friends today,enjoy it and bless God for it.

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