Monday, September 30, 2013

Fall In Manitoba

Fall is fully upon us.Many flowers have finished blooming.
In a pasture I found these thistles,which were still a source of food for several insects.

This particular flower was the busiest one,with five bees and some sort of moth all feeding at the same time.

In one corner of my deck the Mums are putting on a bright display of colour. I like having a few pots of Mums around in fall,as these flowers keep on blooming right into the time of frost.

This was taken about two weeks ago and the leaves were just beginning to change colour.
This is the road which goes into the Pembina Valley and along which the spring Hawkwatch takes place.

At the bottom of the valley is the Pembina River and you all know what I have to do when I see water. I have to get some reflection shots.

Here is another part of the Pembina Valley,a few miles from the other place.
This is a fairly steep drop into the valley basin. The valley is much wider in this area and thus has a different beauty about it.

I love the Pembina Valley area.It has so much beauty in it,Yes,I know,it does not have the gorgeous mountains or tumbling water falls,but rather a more subdued beauty.
I would love to travel to faraway places,but since that is not likely to happen anytime soon,I will find beauty close to home.
I read a thought today,written by Henry Ward Beecher,which puts it so well.

If you can eat today,enjoy the sunlight today,
mix good cheer with friends today,enjoy it and bless God for it.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Reason to Rejoice

Fall is upon us and the temperatures are getting cooler. The flowers are almost done for another season,but I still have some to share with you.
This is the beauty of photography,seasons change but we have pictures of all seasons to remember and to share.
If you are wondering about the title,I think that we always have something for which to rejoice.

These Petunias were blooming on my deck most of the summer.I like picking brightly coloured flowers for my planters.By now these have been pulled out and deposed of,but the memories last with the picture.

I was at The English Gardens earlier this month and was busy taking pictures of this sunflower. I liked the way the sunlight shone through the petals,but had not noticed the little bee until I got the pictures on the computer.I love getting little surprises like this.

This Ruby-throated Hummingbird landed on this same branch over and over again,giving me ample opportunities for pictures.She seemed to be posing for me and some other photographers.

The Water Lily pond is also a good place to find frogs. They like to catch  few warm rays of sunshine on the leaves.

Much closer to home,actually just west of Morden,at Lake Minniwasta,I was able to catch the last of the setting sun.

Thought for Today:
Every season has a reason to rejoice.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Sunday Drive,iPhone Pictures

Driving around on Sunday I saw lots of photo opprtunities. Here are just a few shots I took with my phone.

I really like the winding road into the valley. The blue sky added to the beauty of this scene.

A Birch tree that is most likely dead still adds a wonderful touch to this fall scene.

At the edge of the valley is what was once a small town. Only a very small store and this church remain. The church still looks to be in use, I love the bright white building against that blue sky. 

Once I get time to edit my other pictures I will be sharing some of those.

   Have a beautiful day and be sure to take time to enjoy the simple things of life.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Moon and Country Roads.

A few weeks ago the moon was just rising on the eastern horizon and I went out to try my hand at getting some images of it.
I did get some which I thought were good enough,but what also caught my eye was a huge thunderhead to the north of me.The setting sun cast a lovely light on these towering clouds.

And now for at least one moon shot. I actually took my tripod out and was able to get a picture which is not blurred. Looking at this my mind goes back to days of lunar landings. It is hard to comprehend that someone actually walked on this moon. Sorry,just letting my mind wander for a bit.

Coming back down to earth,there is lots of beauty here as well.
I went for a drive one day and found this railroad trestle. I say I found it,because even though I had been here before,I had no idea where it was.I don't watch the roads well enough when I am a passenger in a vehicle,but I did find this.This is quite the photographic spot,at least I like it.

 Moving in for a closer look. I plan on checking this spot out again real soon,in hopes of some fall colour.

Driving down this road into an area which I am not all that familiar with,was an adventure,but,I'm going back. I liked the scenery and with the leaves changing colours now,it should be extra pretty.

I enjoy taking country roads and seeing just where they will take me.I'll be thinking of you as I travel these roads again soon. Pictures will follow,I'm sure. Let's get together here again,real soon.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Bright Flowers

The past week has been filled with wonderful music and rich blessings. The only thing better would have been to be there in person,but since that was not possible,the live streaming video was great.
Now it is back to everyday life and time to share some pictures with you all.

 The following pictures were all taken in early September on one of my many visits to The English Gardens in Winnipeg.

This simple Zinnia really is showy against a blurred background. I was using my 100-400mm lens for these shots and that gives a lovely blurred background to the pictures.

I may not be good at growing roses,but I sure do enjoy them.I have MANY pictures of roses in all colours,but will readily stop to get just one more shot. I think this one has a bug hiding at the base of the bud.

The Waterlilies are exceptionally loverly this year. Some years they have so many tiny insects on them,which detracts from the beauty.

This dark Daylily is gorgeous.I sure wish I could have one like that growing in my garden.
But wait,that would mean I have to water it and pull the weeds,now I get to enjoy it and not do any of the work. That works for me.

I am not quite sure what kind of flower this is,but it looks to be some sort of Butterfly Weed. I really like the coloration in each flower head.

The thought for today is a recipe:
Blend kindness,love and patience.
Sift in a generous amount of faith.
You will have a no fail recipe for life.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Pretty In Pink and NQC

I have a selection of pink flowers for you to enjoy.
I wish I could say that all were blooming in my garden,but that is not the case.
The upside is that I don't have to pull weeds in the gardens these are in.I think this is a win win situation. I get to enjoy the flowers and don't have to worry about weeds.

I am again taking you to The English Gardens in Winnipeg.
I love roses but don't have that special touch to grow them,so I find them in other gardens and can still enjoy them.

I have also never been able to grow the beautiful large Dahlias.

Here is a side view of the same flower.It is so pretty and has such a soft colour.

A perfect little rosebud and it is in a sweet pink colour.

This rose is somewhat different,in that it has so many petals.I think this may be an old-fashioned rose.
Whatever the case,I thought it was lovely.

I will be busy every evening this coming week. No,I am not going away,but National Quartet Convention has started in Louisville,Kentucky and I will be watching this on live streaming video each evening.I would love to be there in person,but this is better than nothing.
I said all that to say that if I don't comment on your blog it is because I am enjoying music such as is heard in the following video.

Here is a video from last year's convention,featuring my favourite guys,Legacy Five,singing,Strike Up The Band.This was only the sixth time Matt Fouch,the bass singer,was on stage with this group.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Spectacular Sunset

As I was out driving around the countryside the other day,I witnessed one of the most spectacular sunsets I have seen in a very long time.
I know each sunset is pretty in it's own way,but this one took my breath away.

I could have filled this post with a multitude of pictures,but limited it to my usual five.

The evening started out with a lovely sky,filled with just the right amount of clouds.

As the sun went down,the sky began to fill with beauty.

Driving along,I spotted this old house and knew that it would make a perfect spot for some more pictures.

What an amazing sight to witness.

The final show was as beautiful as the beginning.I had driven quite a few miles before this scene presented itself.

I have not added to the colours in any way. Actually these pictures are how they came out of my camera.

I believe that if a sunset or sunrise only happened every five to ten years,we would all stop what we were doing and watch this scene unfold. The question I have then is,why don't we take note of these displays of beauty more often?
God has the BEST way of saying good-night to the world.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

FInding Beauty

Well folks,September is upon us.This means cooler weather should be just around the corner.
I enjoy the cooler days and nights of fall and the beautiful fall colours.
Today I do not have fall colours just yet,but pictures which were taken two weeks ago.
My sister and I were out driving around just to see what we could find. I chose to take a seldom used road,one mostly used by farmers to get from one field to another. I am glad I took this road,just look at the beauty we found.

At the side of the road I saw these berries. The evening light made them look extra special.

Around here,we know that fall is right around the corner when the wild Tansy starts to bloom.
I thought this bunch was pretty,nestled in among the grasses.

I knew we had a creek to cross,but also was fairly certain that the crossing was an easy one.I had not been through here in a long time,but found that a new culvert had been installed and it was a perfect road,at least perfect for a back country road.
You all know I love reflections and when I saw this I had to stop and get some pictures.

No,I would not be satisfied with just one shot.Even though this is a small pool of creek water,the reflections are so pretty.I may have to go back,once the trees start changing colour.

Looking to the sky,I noticed the moon.Since it was still not dark outside,I could get a decent shot of it.

I hope you enjoyed riding with Becky and me as we checked out some back roads near our town.

Thought for Today:
One act of kindness may teach more about the love of God than many sermons.

The picture in the header and my new profile picture are ones that Steve took when we had a photo shoot at Livingston Park.