Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Icy Beauty

It is May 28,but it is cool outside and even inside.I guess because of this,my thoughts went back to some pictures I got in the beginning of May. Usually by May 8th we have very nice weather,but this year the warmth just was slow in coming,because of that I got the following shots.

I drove to the lake just west of my town,hoping for birds,but there were none. As I was standing at the shore I heard a soft tinkling sound.I looked down and saw the following.

Small shards of ice were being blown on shore by the water and wind.
This was what I saw at first and thought it looked pretty nice.

As I looked just past the ice,I saw more ice floating in the murky waters. I thought it looked very interesting,so pictures had to be taken.

Zooming in a little closer,I was surprised by the beauty which was right before my eyes.

The pieces all look much the same yet different angles showed various patterns.

 I really liked how the sun created little starbursts on the ice.
I was hoping for birds,but was blessed to find a different kind of beauty almost under my feet.

All these pictures were taken with the Canon SX50 camera.

Thought for Today:
When you ask God for a gift,
Be thankful if He sends
Not diamonds,pearls,or riches,
But the love of real true friends.

Next post,I promise 'warmer' pictures. :)

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