Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Icy Beauty

It is May 28,but it is cool outside and even inside.I guess because of this,my thoughts went back to some pictures I got in the beginning of May. Usually by May 8th we have very nice weather,but this year the warmth just was slow in coming,because of that I got the following shots.

I drove to the lake just west of my town,hoping for birds,but there were none. As I was standing at the shore I heard a soft tinkling sound.I looked down and saw the following.

Small shards of ice were being blown on shore by the water and wind.
This was what I saw at first and thought it looked pretty nice.

As I looked just past the ice,I saw more ice floating in the murky waters. I thought it looked very interesting,so pictures had to be taken.

Zooming in a little closer,I was surprised by the beauty which was right before my eyes.

The pieces all look much the same yet different angles showed various patterns.

 I really liked how the sun created little starbursts on the ice.
I was hoping for birds,but was blessed to find a different kind of beauty almost under my feet.

All these pictures were taken with the Canon SX50 camera.

Thought for Today:
When you ask God for a gift,
Be thankful if He sends
Not diamonds,pearls,or riches,
But the love of real true friends.

Next post,I promise 'warmer' pictures. :)

Sunday, May 26, 2013


A while ago I treated myself to a bouquet of roses.Now,what is a photographer to do with roses,but take pictures and lots of them.
So as not to bore you,my dear follower,I decide to make a collage of some of the pictures.
Today,contrary to what you usually see on this blog,there is only one picture.
I am posting this bouquet of roses for anyone who needs a rose to brighten the day and especially for those who are currently experiencing some difficult days.

This collage was made using an app called CollageIt Pro.
It is downloadable from the App store and is a Mac program.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Rainy iPhone Pics

This past weekend we had a lot of rain.I have heard reports of anywhere from 2-8 inches.
Considering that this came shortly after the spring thaw,the ground was not that dry yet and so we saw a lot of water.

I had to get a picture of this.Some of you may have already seen this on my Facebook page,but it is worth a second look.Two Baltimore Orioles took shelter under the railing of my deck.They sat there for quite some time. You can see by the raindrops on the window that is was raining hard.

This is a picture from just a few miles north of Morden.The little creek is usually no more than a trickle and often has no water in it at all. Plenty of water rushing along here at this time.

The lake which supplies our town with most of its water,spills out into what is referred to as the Dead Horse Creek.Don't ask me where that name came from,but that is what it is. All of last summer this creek had only a little standing water in it,which meant that our lake never filled up properly.This picture is from Monday evening and the creek is at the top of its banks. At a few places it spilled over,resulting in some streets being closed.

By Tuesday morning most of the rain was over,but the Snapdragons which are waiting to be planted,still had some lovely raindrops on them.
This leaf almost looks like the head of a small lizard.

Here is a macro of one of the flowers,or at least part of a flower.I like the colour and the droplets add a nice touch.

The forecast is for near freezing temperatures for tonight,so my flowers are all safely covered with blankets.

I know that losing a few plants is minor compared to the losses in Oklahoma.My heart goes out to those people and I pray that they will find strength to endure.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Simple Beauty

In looking through my pictures I have some that I took just for fun.Actually I take most of my pictures for fun,but these are ones I really like.

I took a walk at our local lake the other day and even though I did not see many birds,as I had hoped,I found other interesting things to photograph.
I noticed this piece of old bark on the ground.I liked the bright colour on it.

Then as I was walking along,surrounded by small shrubs,I noticed that some of last years leaves were still hanging on to the branches.The sun was hitting this one and making it shine.

Here is another leaf,a different shape but still pretty to me.

I then looked down and noticed a curled up leaf on the ground.Again,as the sun hit this leaf it looked pretty and was a bright spot on the woodland floor.

This picture is from a different place but also taken a few weeks ago.
No matter how many Mallard pictures I have,I can't resist a beauty like this.
It looks like he is swimming on a sea of silk.

Thought for Today:
If you can't go for a walk to enjoy the natural beauty around you,
then at least spend time drinking in beautiful scenery from a coffee-table book of nature that you keep for that very purpose.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

On this special day,I want to give honour to the woman who helped to make me who I am today — My Mother.
My mother was not perfect,but she taught me so much.She was a hard working woman and made sure that my sister and I learned how to work.
She was a kind person,who always had extra food ready to serve to unexpected guests.
Our home was simple,yet the doors were open wide for family and friends alike.
Many a Christmas and other special day we had extra people at the table and always Mom had small gifts for each one.

Here is a picture of my Mom sitting on the right and my Mother-in-law on the left.
The occasion for this picture was a bridal shower for me,hosted by an Auntie.I could write a story about this Auntie as well,but for today the focus is on Mothers
I still miss my Mom,even after all the years since she has over to Heaven.
Both of these ladies have gone on to their heavenly home and both are in my heart forever.

Now on to the man who made me a Mother and the young lady who gave me the title of Grandma.
Steve and Kai are very special people in my my life.I trust that I can show them my love in little ways every day.I am truly blessed to have them in my life and to experience the joy they bring.

I just realized that these pictures prove that I once had darker hair and more hair as well.
These pictures also show a family that has a lot of love in their hearts.
God has blessed me beyond measure and for that I give Him praise.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Lake Minniwasta Birds

On Tuesday,May 7,I went to our local lake,hoping to find some ducks or geese to photograph.Well I was not disappointed. This is not a large lake,but it is the source of most of the water the town/city of Morden uses.

There was still some ice on the lake,but also lots of open water.

These Grebes are much too far away for a good picture,but I took it anyway.
On the right is a pair of Western Grebes and the two farthest to left are Red-necked Grebes.

It didn't take too long for a Pelican with his beautiful breeding plumage hair to show up.
This must be the new hair-do for 2013.

 I knew there was another small pond on my way out of the lake area,so I stopped in there,hoping to get a picture of some Mallards.Here is where my day went from good to very good.

A lone Common Loon was swimming and feeding on this small pond.I rolled down the car windows and sat quietly,waiting for him to move a little closer. I would still have liked to be closer,but these are the best Loon pictures I have ever had.

I had to shoot through some weeds so that is the reason for the blurred spots.I am particularly happy with this picture.The green sheen of the head even shows up.

Thought for Today:
If you want to know yourself better,get to know your Creator better.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

For The Birds

Or should I have titled this,For The Bird Lovers?
I apologize to those who do not enjoy birds,but for the next little while I will likely be showing more birds than anything else.

A visit to a small local pond was successful as far as pictures are concerned.Here you see two male Common Golden-eye trying hard to impress a female.She seemed uninterested,but it made for good pictures.

This pair of Greater Scaup were oblivious to all the courting going on around them.They had likely already bonded for the season.

Back on my yard,I picked up the Canon SX50 and fired a couple of shots of this Crow,sitting on the neighbours tree.I am satisfied with the results. This is probably the best Crow picture I have ever gotten.

A male Hairy Woodpecker was eyeing the suet,but didn't like my presence.With the Canon SX 50 in hand,I got a nice shot of him. Unfortunately the branches are casting some shadows on him.

I have spent several days at the Pembina Valley,taking part in the Hawkwatch.This is the most common bird we see,a Red-tailed Hawk,but seeing it like this,its wings highlighted by the sun,is always a thrill.

Slowly more migrants are showing up on my yard,so I keep my cameras ready.

Thought for Today:
                                         No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings.
                                                                   William Blake