Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Blessings

I had my family over for Easter yesterday,Good Friday.We had a good time.
We chose to simplify the day and had 'make your own pizzas' for our meal.
They were tasty and because Steve and Linda did most of the work it was an easy on the cook day.

I had two precious ladies close the decor and set the table for me.Kate and Kai did a wonderful job of making the table look pretty.Each of us had a different napkin,so it was quite colourful and springlike.
You will notice we also had place cards and a coloured pencil so we could decorate our name cards,if we wanted to.All this was done without any promoting.Pretty special I think.

Here is the table just before we say down to enjoy our meal.

Right now the peace sign is the in thing,so Kai had to have her heart shaped pepperoni in a peace sign.
Steve took the time to use a cookie cutter and make both ham and pepperoni hearts for the girls.
Doesn't that look tasty?

The blessings of family give me reason to rejoice.
The other reason to rejoice is the fact that my Saviour,Jesus,did not remain in a tomb,but rose victorious over death and hell. 

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