Monday, January 14, 2013

Digging Out

On saturday,January 12 we had a good old fashioned winter blizzard. Actually it started overnight from Friday to Saturday. It wasn't that so much snow fell but as is often the case in Manitoba,we had wind and lots of it. The wind can take whatever loose snow there is and whip it into some fair sized drifts.

I am standing on my yard and looking south-west across the street.You can see that the wind was strong and it was cold as well.

This is what my house looked like.It too,had snow caked on it. Even the windows have snow decorations on them.

I thought the railing around the deck looked quite pretty all caked with snow.

Here Steve is working to make a cut through the drift across the driveway.
He only opened it partway and then left the rest for a front-end loader to finish.
There are all kinds of reflections on this picture,that is because it is taken through my living room window.I stayed much warmer that way.

I tried to capture the blowing snow as well as the patterns left in the snowdrift.I hope you can see this in the picture.

By now everything is back to normal.Streets have been plowed and driveways opened and we are back  doing what we normally would do. Yes,it is still very cold,but that is what we expect in January.
Before long the temperatures will improve and we will be over the worst,or so we think.

I have to say that I enjoy a good storm as long as no one gets hurt. I also enjoy the change of seasons.I really don't mind winter,even with the cold and snow.Having said that I don't mind winter,I still look forward to the arrival of spring. I guess we always have something to look forward to,even if it is only the change in the weather.

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