Monday, November 12, 2012

Birds and a Bee

Getting new pictures has not been happening as often as I would like,so back to some earlier shots we go.I just realized that I have reached 300 followers.WOW! I would never have thought this would happen,when I first started blogging.Some of you are new here and some of you have been friends for a long time.I appreciate each one,whether long time friend or new. Thank-you so much for taking a moment of your busy life to visit my place.I hope you come often and that you enjoy what you find here.

A lot of my bird photos are taken right from my deck,as you can see in today's pictures.
I figure that if I can get the birds to come to me,instead of me going to them,that makes my life pretty easy.Put out peanuts and the Blue Jays will come.I don't easily get tired of seeing and photographing the Blue Jays.
Isn't he a handsome fella?

I like to try for action shots and this can give all kinds of interesting results.
I am not sure what he was doing here,perhaps getting ready to take off,but whatever it is,I like to see him suspended in the air.

Another bird I love is the Black-capped Chickadee.No matter how many pictures I already have,I keep on taking more.When they come for a drink at the bird bath,I can usually count on at least one shot.
This one seems to be giving me the look that says,enough already.

It is rare for me to catch the Blue Jay sitting in a tree,but on this day I was lucky enough to get at least one picture like that.I would have liked a little more sunshine on him,but this will have to do for now.

I was getting ready to snap a picture of these Mums,when I noticed the little green wasp on them.
I can't recall ever seeing a green wasp like this,but he adds a nice touch to the flowers.

Thought for today:
Family isn't always blood.
It's the people in your life who want you in theirs;
the ones who accept you for who you are.
The ones who would do anything to see you smile and
who love you no matter what.

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