Thursday, October 18, 2012

RED My Favorite Color

In looking through my recent pictures,I noticed somewhat of a theme. I was seeing red and lots of it.
Now,This did not make me unhappy in the least,as red is my favourite colour.
It is no secret to my family that I am insisting that my next car be a bright red one.
I wear  a lot of red,even when the fashion people would say that I should wear more subdued colours.
Who cares what they say,red,makes me feel happy,so I will wear red.
So,having said all that,when I noticed all the red in the pictures,I knew that I needed to do a post featuring this beautiful colour.

The first picture is from my Sumac tree.This tree is a nuisance,because of it's habit of suckering. It is an endless battle to keep it contained to a small area,but oh my,when fall comes and it shows it's red colour,I love it.When the sun shines on all those red leaves it is prettier than any Christmas tree.

The cherry trees Jake and I planted many years ago,were supposed to give me cherries to make jelly with. Oh,they yield lots of cherries,but the birds get to them before I do.
I guess I could get upset about this,but the birds need to eat too and I can always buy my jelly.
These trees sport beautiful almost burgundy leaves all year.In fall they turn to a rich red.

I have one small shrub in the middle of the yard.I have forgotten it's name,but it also has red leaves all year long.These leaves also turn a brighter red in fall,and sometimes a few will stay on the plant for winter.I love to see those red leaves,each with a cap of snow on them.

Finally,the stars of the yard,the Amur maples.These leaves can be anything from a rich yellow,to orange,or red.I love to see the variety of colours on these trees and sometimes even within one leaf.
In this picture you can see the touches of yellow and even orange,but the red has centre stage.

A final cluster of red Amur Maple leaves.I love how the edges are lighter,thus highlighting the leaf.
The beauty of these trees are that they are right close to the house and a a favourite perch for many of the birds.

Thought for today:
The primary reason for living in this world is to reflect the likeness of Christ.

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