It is time that some of the birds of summer get a post of their own.
Yes,the activity at the feeders is less because the birds are so busy raising their young,but there are still some real treasures to be found.
I have seen posts by other bloggers who showed a Dickcissel and I wished I would have a chance to photograph one.
Well that happened just two days ago.Someone had seen a Dickcissel and emailed me the exact directions to the spot.
I found the intersection he had mentioned and almost immediately saw this bird.
I was very excited and happy to have this moment.
This is only the second time I have ever seen one of these birds.
The new camera did a great job of capturing this bird.
I spent a day at A Rocha recently and one of the things I really wanted to do was photograph Hummingbirds.I was not disappointed with the action and fired many shots.When I put the pictures on the computer,I was pleasantly surprised to see a bird with a band.The past two years I have attended a Hummingbird banding event at A Rocha and this might very well be one of the birds banded during that time.Oh yes,I was also happy to get several decent shots of a male Hummingbird,something which had eluded me for the most part.
There were also females around.This one was more concerned about looking good than about feeding.She sat on that branch for some time getting all the feathers in just the right position.
A pair of Purple Finches were visiting the feeder quite regularly.Here the male perched for a few minutes,allowing me to gat at least one picture.
Last Sunday at Ft.Whyte in Winnipeg,I came upon this Yellow Warbler.
This is another bird which I have not been able to get decent shots of until now.
I was quite happy with this one.
I wished I had already had my new camera for the Hummingbird shots,but I guess now I have a reason to go back there again.
Thought for today:
Oh God,who made the summer
and warmed the earth with beauty,
Warm our hearts with gratitude
and devotion to our duty.
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