Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Birds On My Yard

May 1 already! 
Today I have pictures of a few birds seen on my yard recently.

I will start with the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.I had several of these birds around for a few days,but they liked to hide in the branches of this tree.
This was unfortunately the best picture I could get,but it shows the bird in its natural environment. They like to drill rows of holes on the tree trunks and then feed on the sap which collects in these small wells.

Talking of having a bird which is almost impossible to photograph.The Ruby-crowned Kinglet is just such a bird.Can you see him there among all the branches.If you look closely you can see that little touch of red on his crown.These birds are almost constantly in motion so I was happy to get a picture like this.

More common and more relaxed is the House Finch. I love the bright colour of the male in spring.I have these birds on the yard all year,but in spring the males really show their colours well.This one was making his way down to the feeder on the deck.

A closely related bird is the Purple Finch.I read once that it looks like this bird was dipped in red wine. This helps me to see the difference between the Purple and the House Finch.I love the the song these birds have as well.It is a treat to sit and listen to the singing at this time of year.

Finally,not a bird,but a pretty Pansy.No these are not growing in my garden,but I treated myself to a basket of these flowers recently. I have them on my deck and enjoy the bright faces of these flowers each time I step out of the house.With a few raindrops,they look extra pretty.

I love watching all the bird activity on my small yard.Their songs stream from the nearby trees,filling the air with music.

Thought for today:
Time is not measured by the years that you live,
But by the deeds that you do and the joy that you give.

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