Friday, May 25, 2012

Birds and Blossoms At The Park

I have a few more pictures to share from my recent walk in the park.
This park is quite small and is more of a playground area for children,but it has a creek running through it.
Along this creek is where I find the things which bring me happiness.

These Cherry Blossoms caught my eye.
I like how this picture turned out,with just the flowers lit up.

As I was slowly walking along waiting for anything to catch my attention,I noticed movement in a small tree.I had heard the song of the Yellow Warbler but had not been able to catch a look at him.When I finally spotted him I started shooting in hopes of getting at least one decent shot.
Look what happened just as I depressed the shutter button.
I know that I was much too far away but I am still happy with this image.

Butterflies,like this Red Admiral are more tolerant of my approach.
I don't ever get tired of seeing a brightly coloured butterfly.

Here is another picture which perhaps breaks all the rules of good photography.
The light in the background is much too bright,the bird is in the shadows and too far away,yet somehow this image has a pleasing look to me.
I guess I could have brightened the bird somewhat in Photoshop,but I didn't.

I have two reasons for sharing this image. One there is a Spotted Sandpiper on one of the stones near the waters edge and two,I love the trees reflected in the water,turning it a bright green.

I spent about two hours at this same park just this Thursday,with a friend.
We had a great time and I have more pictures to share after they have been edited.
The unfortunate fact is that as we were winding up our time there my main camera quit working.It seems that the shutter release button is broken,so off to the doctor it is for my Canon 40D.I do hope they can repair this with limited expense to me.

Thought for today:
Develop a unique style.

Guess that's what I've done with some of the above images. :)

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