Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thanksgiving Everyday

I know that we are in the Christmas season,but today I want to step back about two months,into October.
I have picked a few pictures which I enjoy.

All of today's pictures were taken from my deck.I can hardly wait to enjoy that space again,come springtime.

This little Yellow-rumped Warbler,dressed in the subdued colours of fall and winter,is checking me out.

At one end of my deck I have this heated birdbath. Obviously it was not being heated when this picture was taken,but now that we have freezing temperatures I do have it plugged in so the birds can enjoy a drink,even in winter.
The Black-capped Chickadee is one of my favourite birds.
They can be counted on to show up when all others disappear.

I really like how this little fella would come and sit on the lattice which surrounds the deck.I think he is a perfect addition to my deck.

Looking up and away from the birds I noticed these cloud shadows.
I think they are unique and pretty.
 The heavens declare the Glory of God!

The tree in the picture above is the same one you see in this picture.Here you can see it's yellow leaves,because the sun is highlighting it so well.
This is also taken from my deck and it is looking south-east,into my yard.

Perhaps a thought about Thanksgiving is still in order.
Thought for Today:
Dear God,no words are great enough
To thank You for just living,
and that is why everyday
Is a day of Thanksgiving.

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