Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

2011 is almost history,and what a year it has been.
I am sure that each of us has seen our share of trials and also blessings.
As I stand poised at the threshold of the new year,I wait on God to show me the way.

THis was the scene in my area yesterday.Finally we for some beautiful snow.
I spent a delightful time with my son,photographing all this beauty.
I am sure you will be seeing more of those pictures in days to come.

Since I have not been posting for a little while I just wanted to take the time to wish all of you a Wonderful New Year,rich in love and peace.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I expect that this will be my last post before Christmas,so here is my wish for you.

I am also including the letter which I sent out to people with a card.
I count all of my followers as my friends,so this later is to you as well.

To you my dear friends,
    As you all know, the last 15 months or so have been filled with change for me.. I would not have chosen the path on which I find myself right now,but God knows what is best for me. When my beloved Jake took his final breath on November 10th of 2010, my whole life was turned upside-down. Now I can honestly say that it is beginning to be turned right-side up again. 
    2011 has been a year filled with many sad moments,yet,I can also say that there have been many good times.God has taken my hand and walked along with me through the ups and downs.
    I feel so richly blessed to have you as one of my friends.I want to thank you for the support and love I have felt from you. It is during a time of deep sadness that we find out who our real friends are,and you are definitely one of them. Thank-you. 
   I look forward to what God has in store for me in the coming year.
    What are my plans? I make plans very loosely,as I know they can be changed in a heartbeat.I do want to continue to pursue my photography,as this is something which I very much enjoy.I also plan on staying with my job as a school bus driver,at least for a few more years,Lord willing.Besides this I am always willing to join friends for coffee and a visit.

Thanks for your friendship and I will be back after Christmas,but first I will celebrate with family and friends who are near.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Wintery Scenes from 2006

I have not been out taking pictures recently,so I went back into the archives and pulled a few from there.
All of the pictures in today's post were taken by Jake,on an early morning walk around our town,back in 2006.

The first picture is taken,looking west down the main street of our town.
Note all the snow in these pictures. This is the way it usually looks around here at this time of year,BUT,not this year.
We have a dusting of snow,but lots of dry grass and bare ground showing.

The following pictures were all taken in our local park. This is a very busy place in summer,with kids at the playgrounds and pool,and picnics being had.
In winter it is a place of quiet,and on this early morning it was beautiful.
There is some hoar frost on the trees and that adds a special touch.

The picnic tables stand empty,waiting for the first warm days of spring.

Here is another view.Looks like someone else was in the park.
I am sure glad Jake took these pictures,so that now we can enjoy these pretty scenes.
Shooting in low light tends to make the pictures look more purple than what is natural.

This is the same as the one above,but in a black and white version.
I like this almost as well as the coloured one.
Which is your favourite?

Thought for today:

Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Cookies

Today was a fun filled day.
Kai came over in the morning to help me bake cookies,no not just any cookies,but, Christmas cookies.
We had a lot of fun doing this,as we always do,but the real fun started in the evening.Steve and Kai came for supper,and after that we set up shop and began decorating the baked cookies.

I apologize for the darkness of this picture,but this was the scene at my kitchen table.The sugar,sprinkles and frosting.
Of course Steve had to capture this time as well.He is using his iPhone,while I used my regular camera.

I have star shaped cookie cutters,which when stacked just right form a tree.
Kai looks pleased with her tree,all decorated with frosting and sprinkles.

Here she is still putting on a few more sprinkles,to make it just perfect.

She decorated two trees. I must say they are perhaps the sweetest trees I have ever seen,both in reality and because they are made by my favourite baker/decorator.
This looks good enough to eat.Will you join me for a cup of tea or coffee and a piece of this beautiful Christmas tree?

I spent two days with Jake's brother and his family,over the weekend.
They live in Winnipeg and so we went out looking at all the Christmas decorations.
This house was by far the best I have seen in a long time.
All the decorations were synchronized to music,and the best part — they were accepting donations for Cancer Care.

The cookies are delicious,the lights beautiful,but let us not forget the REAL reason for Christmas,the birth of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Roses in November

I just finished editing some pictures taken on November 11.
I know this post is not at all Christmas related,but then,roses are always in season.
A dear friend of mine had roses delivered to my door,right around the time of the anniversary of Jake's passing.
First let me say I appreciated the roses for the message which they brought.,but I ask you,what is a woman with a camera to do when she gets roses in November?
All around outside everything is drab brown and grey.Roses bring colour,so it is time for a photo session.
Thanks Hannah for supplying the props,(roses).

Now I do believe that roses and pearls are a great match.
These orange/peach coloured roses were different than any I had seen before.
Look at all those petals.

I think turning the image into a sepia tone,shows the petals even better.

The yellow roses were  the traditional florist roses.
They opened beautifully and lasted longer than any I have ever had.
I threw the last rose out at the two week mark.

The above rose is the same as the one below. 
I think it looks quite dramatic in sepia tone.

I know that this photo is way over done,but I kind of like the gold look.
I added a warming filter in Lightroom
It is fun to play with the different effects.Some turn out good,but others are a total flop.Tell me whether you like this version.I would like to hear what you think.
Like I said,I kind of like it,but am not totally convinced.

I am sure that you will be seeing more of this bouquet of roses,as I took MANY pictures.

Because I know that these roses were given in love,this thought seems to fit:
The love you give to others
Is returned to you by the Lord - - -
And the love of God
Is your soul's rich reward.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thanksgiving Everyday

I know that we are in the Christmas season,but today I want to step back about two months,into October.
I have picked a few pictures which I enjoy.

All of today's pictures were taken from my deck.I can hardly wait to enjoy that space again,come springtime.

This little Yellow-rumped Warbler,dressed in the subdued colours of fall and winter,is checking me out.

At one end of my deck I have this heated birdbath. Obviously it was not being heated when this picture was taken,but now that we have freezing temperatures I do have it plugged in so the birds can enjoy a drink,even in winter.
The Black-capped Chickadee is one of my favourite birds.
They can be counted on to show up when all others disappear.

I really like how this little fella would come and sit on the lattice which surrounds the deck.I think he is a perfect addition to my deck.

Looking up and away from the birds I noticed these cloud shadows.
I think they are unique and pretty.
 The heavens declare the Glory of God!

The tree in the picture above is the same one you see in this picture.Here you can see it's yellow leaves,because the sun is highlighting it so well.
This is also taken from my deck and it is looking south-east,into my yard.

Perhaps a thought about Thanksgiving is still in order.
Thought for Today:
Dear God,no words are great enough
To thank You for just living,
and that is why everyday
Is a day of Thanksgiving.