Friday, June 17, 2011

A Day at A Rocha

On may 28,2011,I had the opportunity to visit one of my favourite places,the A Rocha Field Station in Manitoba.I know I have mentioned this place before,but for those who may not remember or are new,this is a Christian Conservation association.The scope of their efforts are to bring awareness about our world,from a Christian viewpoint.We are stewards of this planet and therefore should take care of it responsibly.
On this day they featured a workshop regarding the Manitoba Breeding Bird Atlas,which I as well as many others are helping with.
After the workshop,we went on hike,trying to put our newly learned skills to use.
Of course we were out to find birds,which we did,but on this day most of them were identified by song or at best a brief glimpse.

This American Redstart,sat just long enough for me to one shot.

Seeing that I am a photographer,I see more than just birds.
This little scene demanded that I stop and get at  least one picture.
I am not sorry I did.

Even before we set out on our hike we saw lots of birds.Seeing that they came to the feeders,they were easy photo subjects,and of course I couldn't resist.
Notice the chewed up base on the feeder.It would be my guess that a Squirrel has wanted some of those tasty seeds.
This is a male Purple Finch.I love their color.

Waiting patiently in the Oak tree was this male Rose-breasted Grosbeak.
Unfortunately,it was an overcast day,so the pictures are lacking some of that sparkle.

As I left this place,I noticed the dark clouds.
I once again had to stop and get some pictures.Those clouds looked very ominous,but for this day,at least ,they didn't bring much rain.

I hope you enjoyed this little look into a day at A Rocha.
For a short video about A Rocha and what they do go to this link:A Rocha Video
This will tell you more than I can.If you have a quick eye,you may spot both Jake and me in the shots,as well as some pictures we have taken.

Thought for Today:
You have made known to me the path of life,
You will fill me with joy in Your presence,
with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.
Psalm 16:11

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