Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Home

I thought it might be about time that I share my humble home with you.
Here are a few pictures of where I live.

Here is my house,simple and small,but I call it home.
For those of you who recognize cars,yes,I do drive a Chrysler Neon.
The bare strip  you see beside the driveway,is where my neighbour took out a row of Lilacs for me.

Here is my yard,as it looks when I step outside.This is looking east,and if you could see past all the trees,you would see a farmers field back there.

I walked to the back of the yard and looking west,this is my home.
Looking at this picture,just to the right of the house is my newest flower bed.

Here is the new flower bed.This is where we used to have a small garden pond.I felt the need to remove that,as it took a fair bit of work.
I now have the small fountain at the head of this bed and the birds seem to enjoy it as well.

Last but not least,I have to show another Lupin shot.
This was taken after one of our many rains.Notice the raindrops decorating the flowers.

Now if only you could all join me at my house,I would love to put the coffee and tea on and sit down with you for a chat.

Though for today:
A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails.

Monday, June 27, 2011

My Flowers

With the arrival of the Crocuses and Tulips,my gardens have a constantly changing display of color.
Today I share with you a few of my Irises and a Lupin.

Let's begin with an Iris bud.I love all the detail seen here.
This is a promise of more to come.

Here is a different Iris.I wanted to show with detail of the beard.
Again,note all the veins in the petal,or fall,as it is called.

Yet another Iris,different color,but every bit as lovely.
Irises are some of my favourite flowers.I think they have a regal look to them.
OK,I'll have to admit that ,my favourite flower is usually the one I am looking at.I just love flowers,all shapes,all sizes,and all colors.

Seems like I am sharing all the close-ups today.
I could stand and look at these for hours and not get bored.
God has placed so much beauty into these flowers.

I would be amiss,if I didn't show a Lupin.
Lupins were a real favourite of Jake's so this year they have special meaning to me.He tended them carefully and enjoyed each stalk of flowers.

I do have more Lupin pictures,but they will have to wait for another day.

Thought for today:

Friday, June 24, 2011

A Special Thank-you

This bowl full of roses is being sent to each of you as a way of saying thank-you.
So many have commented and are praying for Jake's sister,it is indeed humbling.
Helen,Wayne,Jared and I wish to thank-you for your prayers and support.
Here are Helen' words:
How wonderful and encouraging.
She and her husband Wayne,together with their son Jared wish to thank you for praying and ask for continued prayers.
Helen is seeing the surgeon on Tuesday,June 28.
She is asking everyone to pray that this will give some positive results. 
Words cannot express how thankful we,the family are for concerned friends like you.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I come to you,my blogging friends,requesting prayer.It was just 7 months ago that I said good-bye to my dear husband,and now his youngest sister,age 63,is battling the same cancer he had,pancreatic cancer.
Please pray for this lady,her husband and her adult son.
The pain is very raw at this time.
Actually Jake's whole family is reeling from this news,as we all have not finished grieving the loss of one so dear.
I thank-you in advance for your prayers and caring.

Friday, June 17, 2011

A Day at A Rocha

On may 28,2011,I had the opportunity to visit one of my favourite places,the A Rocha Field Station in Manitoba.I know I have mentioned this place before,but for those who may not remember or are new,this is a Christian Conservation association.The scope of their efforts are to bring awareness about our world,from a Christian viewpoint.We are stewards of this planet and therefore should take care of it responsibly.
On this day they featured a workshop regarding the Manitoba Breeding Bird Atlas,which I as well as many others are helping with.
After the workshop,we went on hike,trying to put our newly learned skills to use.
Of course we were out to find birds,which we did,but on this day most of them were identified by song or at best a brief glimpse.

This American Redstart,sat just long enough for me to one shot.

Seeing that I am a photographer,I see more than just birds.
This little scene demanded that I stop and get at  least one picture.
I am not sorry I did.

Even before we set out on our hike we saw lots of birds.Seeing that they came to the feeders,they were easy photo subjects,and of course I couldn't resist.
Notice the chewed up base on the feeder.It would be my guess that a Squirrel has wanted some of those tasty seeds.
This is a male Purple Finch.I love their color.

Waiting patiently in the Oak tree was this male Rose-breasted Grosbeak.
Unfortunately,it was an overcast day,so the pictures are lacking some of that sparkle.

As I left this place,I noticed the dark clouds.
I once again had to stop and get some pictures.Those clouds looked very ominous,but for this day,at least ,they didn't bring much rain.

I hope you enjoyed this little look into a day at A Rocha.
For a short video about A Rocha and what they do go to this link:A Rocha Video
This will tell you more than I can.If you have a quick eye,you may spot both Jake and me in the shots,as well as some pictures we have taken.

Thought for Today:
You have made known to me the path of life,
You will fill me with joy in Your presence,
with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.
Psalm 16:11

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Free to Be Happy

The focus today is on being happy,or full of joy.
I know,I know,I have not had much to say about happiness recently,but by God's grace that must change.
I am fully aware that we all have seasons in our life when happiness takes a back seat,but these are not meant to last forever.

The other day my granddaughter,Kai and I decided to visit the local beach.More correctly,she asked to go there.
I love this picture of Kai running along,without a care in the world.

I think she is watching her shadow here.
Children have such a simple trust and joy.
We grown-ups on the other hand know how to complicate everything.

I think I for one spend too much time worrying about the 'what ifs'.
God is in control and He has promised to take care of each of us.
I need to take more time to play in the sand and spend less time fretting and being sad.

We found this old tree,its limbs going in all directions but  straight.
I look at this and I see that even though the tree is not growing the way we think it should,it still is producing green leaves and does what trees should do.
All photos taken with my iPhone.
My life is not always going in the direction I would like,but I can still be fruitful and live as God would have me live.
One of the things that I believe God wants to see in HIs children is joy and happiness.I must look for happy things and events,see God in all around me.
Yes,I know that tears will still fall from time to time,but I want to not waste my days wallowing in self pity and misery.

Thought for today:
Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect,
It means you decide to see beyond the imperfections.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Recent Flowers

I'm back,after a week away from posting.
I have survived a difficult week,but that is now in the past,and I want to focus on the present and the future.
Today I share with you a few flowers from my garden and one other one.

This pretty Columbine grows right outside my door.
I had forgotten that I had one in this color,so I am really enjoying it now.

Also just beside the Columbine is one of my Fern-leaf Peonies.
These plants were a gift from a friend,so they are extra special.
Last year they never bloomed.but I have been enjoying their pretty flowers this year.

This little fountain stands at the end of my new flower bed.This is where we used to have a small pond,but I have turned the area into a flower bed and just added this fountain.

Finally,this pretty little bouquet greeted me at the restaurant where my friends took me for breakfast,for my birthday.
My good friend had taken the flowers there before she picked me up.Also greeting me there was a brightly colored Happy Birthday balloon.

I am so thankful for friends,who care enough to go the extra mile to make my day special.Many of you have done just that over the past months and I am very grateful for your friendships.

Though for today:
Tender little memories
Of some word or deed
Give us strength and courage
When we are in need.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Special Days?

I may as well admit it,I do not look forward to this week.
You see,it holds three days which have been special for various reasons.
On June 9,1972,I married the man of my dreams,but this year I am alone to remember that day.Anniversaries are not meant to celebrated alone,and I do not look forward to this day.
God gave me the following verses,back in July of 2010.
When you pass through the waters,I will be with you;and when you pass through the rivers they will not sweep over you.
Isaiah 43:2
This picture shows how I feel some days.The river is full and flowing fast.
I have to rely on God's promise,but there are days I feel like I will be swept away.

On November 10,2010,God took the man of my dreams home to glory.I am thankful that I know I will be reunited with him someday,but for now the loneliness continues.
Each month as the 10th rolls around,I feel an added sense of sorrow.

On June 11,1949,I was born into this world.
Seeing that all three of these are coming at the end of this week makes me feel a great amount of sadness.
No,I'm not asking for pity,but rather for your prayers.
God will not leave me,of this I am sure,but the sadness is something I need to work through.
The raindrops on the Tulip symbolize the tears which flow freely from my eyes on most days.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

I'll Fly Away

I have never been very successful at getting flight or take-off pictures of the birds.
On May 23,when I was out with my friends,one of them did me a great favour.
This young man walked right up to where these Mallards were sitting.
I had my camera on them,wanting a picture in the water,but when they took off,I just held the shutter button down and these are the results.

Some of these pictures are not as sharp as I would like them,but I am pleased with most of the results.
I like the water action on this first one.

Again,the action shows up well,as they are in a hurry to take off.

THe female is somewhat blurry,but I kept the picture because I liked the way the wings show movement.

Look at those wings on the male.

As the water droplets are falling,this male hurries to join his mate.

One last shot,before he moved out of focus range.

My young friend started to apologize for walking where he did,but I must have had a smile on my face,so he knew all was well.

These pictures reminded me of the song, I'll Fly Away.
Some glad morning when this life is o'er,
I'll fly away.
To a home on Go'd celestial shore,
I'll fly away.