I thought it might be about time that I share my humble home with you.
Here are a few pictures of where I live.
Here is my house,simple and small,but I call it home.
For those of you who recognize cars,yes,I do drive a Chrysler Neon.
The bare strip you see beside the driveway,is where my neighbour took out a row of Lilacs for me.
Here is my yard,as it looks when I step outside.This is looking east,and if you could see past all the trees,you would see a farmers field back there.
I walked to the back of the yard and looking west,this is my home.
Looking at this picture,just to the right of the house is my newest flower bed.
Here is the new flower bed.This is where we used to have a small garden pond.I felt the need to remove that,as it took a fair bit of work.
I now have the small fountain at the head of this bed and the birds seem to enjoy it as well.
Last but not least,I have to show another Lupin shot.
This was taken after one of our many rains.Notice the raindrops decorating the flowers.
Now if only you could all join me at my house,I would love to put the coffee and tea on and sit down with you for a chat.
Though for today:
A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails.