Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thank-you and Today's Photos

I need to start this post by saying a huge Thank-you to each of you who encouraged me with your kind words.
I always thought that many of my friends lived in my computer,now I know that for sure.
Your kindness and continuing prayers are overwhelming.
I have tried to remain upbeat and positive on the blog,but I realize that I must be real,let at least some of my feeling show.
Here is a trio of hearts for each of you.
This plant is called Bishop's hat,for the shape of the flowers. 

A friend gave me this Fern Leaf Peony two years ago.
I had always wanted one,but they are sooo expensive.When she discovered these on her new yard,she immediately knew that they should grow in my garden.
As you can see the buds are almost ready to open,I can hardly wait.This is the first time they will be blooming for me.

This little Fuchsia plant is hanging right beside my door.
I like the raindrop on the bud.

Look what I planted this year.Sempervivum.
I have seen these on Betsy's blog,and now I can enjoy them in my own garden.

Walking through our local park I noticed the new growth on the trees.This is an Oak tree coming to life.

I am really bad at identifying most trees,so I don't know what this is,but I like the colors.

Here is one more picture of my Fuchsia.
No,this is not sideways,this is exactly how the flower is growing.All I have done with this picture is crop it a little.

All of the above photos were taken today,as well as many others.I just wanted to share some of the sights that me me smile today.Each day brings with it some tears,but also often,some laughter.For this I am thankful.

Thought for today:
What better answers are there
To prove God's holy being,
Than the wonders all around us
That are ours just for the seeing.     

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