Monday, May 30, 2011

It's time to look on the brighter side of life.
I have a few random pictures to share,which I have taken over the last while.
I had the opportunity to go to Winnipeg with some of my friends,last week.
We went in hopes of seeing lots of birds.Unfortunately the weather had other plans,it was quite cold and windy,so the small birds were not very active.
At Fort Whyte nature Centre,we saw this family.To me it looks like the parents are sharing a secret,or a surprise for the little ones.

We visited St.Vital Park,and once again found that it was just too cold to do much birding.I caught this Canada Goose just as it was almost done flapping its wings.
I liked all the detail of the feathers at the wings leading edge.

A stop at the English Gardens in Assiniboine Park yielded many colourful Tulips.
Thankfully you can't see how cold I was during this time.

 The last picture was taken a few days earlier,and was at a park in Morden.
I had gone for a walk and found these pretty flowers.
I know I have taken pictures of them before,but they are pretty enough shoot again.

Thought for today:
In this changing world,may God's unchanging love
Surround you and bless you daily,in abundance from above.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Then and Now

The following two pictures depict my life,as you will clearly see.

Both pictures are taken at the same place.The first one on July 8,2010.
The second picture was taken on May 16,2011.

The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away;
may the name of the Lord be praised.
Job 1:21

I will freely admit that I don't always feel like praising the Lord,but this I know,He is still good,and He cares for me.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thank-you and Today's Photos

I need to start this post by saying a huge Thank-you to each of you who encouraged me with your kind words.
I always thought that many of my friends lived in my computer,now I know that for sure.
Your kindness and continuing prayers are overwhelming.
I have tried to remain upbeat and positive on the blog,but I realize that I must be real,let at least some of my feeling show.
Here is a trio of hearts for each of you.
This plant is called Bishop's hat,for the shape of the flowers. 

A friend gave me this Fern Leaf Peony two years ago.
I had always wanted one,but they are sooo expensive.When she discovered these on her new yard,she immediately knew that they should grow in my garden.
As you can see the buds are almost ready to open,I can hardly wait.This is the first time they will be blooming for me.

This little Fuchsia plant is hanging right beside my door.
I like the raindrop on the bud.

Look what I planted this year.Sempervivum.
I have seen these on Betsy's blog,and now I can enjoy them in my own garden.

Walking through our local park I noticed the new growth on the trees.This is an Oak tree coming to life.

I am really bad at identifying most trees,so I don't know what this is,but I like the colors.

Here is one more picture of my Fuchsia.
No,this is not sideways,this is exactly how the flower is growing.All I have done with this picture is crop it a little.

All of the above photos were taken today,as well as many others.I just wanted to share some of the sights that me me smile today.Each day brings with it some tears,but also often,some laughter.For this I am thankful.

Thought for today:
What better answers are there
To prove God's holy being,
Than the wonders all around us
That are ours just for the seeing.     

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Photo and Praise

I chose this picture for several reasons.
I like how the trees standing in water symbolize our lives at times,yet God still lives and He deserves our praise.
The last few weeks I feel like I am one of those trees,swamped by various things and circumstances.
I have been and should continue to be very busy keeping the flower beds looking decent.This is a new job for me this year.
Along with all the extra work,come floods of emotions that are draining my energy.Even though it has been 6 months since I said good-bye to the love of my life,the pain is so very real and the tears come often.I try hard to remain optimistic,but at times fall far short.I do not wish to burden others with my pain,and that includes my blogging friends,so the posting will be sporadic over the next while.
I do wish to give praise to God for being my Rock,even during trying times.
I know that this post has been quite wordy,but I wanted all of you to know why I might not be posting regularly.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Photo and Praise

Tuesday has rolled around again and the time to think on praise.
Many days it would be so easy to give in to complaining and fretting,but that is not what God wants of me.
The Psalmist uses the words,"I will".Praise is a choice and I will choose to give praise for what I have and the blessings given to me.
Photo by Ruth
This sunset picture was taken in July of 2010.
God pulled out all the stops on that day,as He closed the day.

Monday, May 9, 2011

My Story

This above picture taken by Jake one year ago to the day,reminds me of my life.
The road is not always straight or easy,the future is unknown.
The one thing I do know is that God walks each step with me and at times carries me when I cannot take another step.Here is a link to another blog,where a small part of my story is featured.

 Once again I take this time to say Thank-you for all your love and support.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Today I want to pay tribute to my mother and my mother-in-law.
Here is a picture of my parents with my son Steve,taken in the fall 1973.
Mom was a hard working woman.She did  not like idleness.
Even when we were not working she like to see my sister and me doing some creative handwork,like knitting,embroidery or crocheting.I guess that is why today I have a hard time just sitting and doing nothing.Mom loved her gardens and produced great crops,that saw us through many a winter.
One of the joys of her life was sending visitors home with armloads of garden produce.
Mom was also a very good seamstress.She sewed all our clothes,and also sewed for others.
This brought her some much needed extra cash,and gave her a sense of pride.

The next picture is at our wedding on June 2,1972.
This is my mother and mother-in-law.
My Mom sewed all the clothes you see here,including my wedding dress.Mother-in-law was a step-mother to Jake,but filled the role of Mother very well.
I have been blessed to have wonderful role models in my life,including Jake's second stepmother,who I don't have a picture of on the computer.
Check out those silver shoes of mine.
All of these women have moved on to glory,Annie,my Mother-in-law in the lilac,was the first to go,after a lengthy illness.My Mom had bowel cancer and after 9 months of intense suffering was released to join her in Heaven.
I still have the other mother-in-law,but Alzheimer's has robbed her of all memory,she is now in a care home.
I pray that I will be able to leave at least as good a legacy for my son as these women have left for me.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Pelicans,Robins and Loon

It seems that spring has finally arrived in southern Manitoba.
I hope this is not just a teaser.
The birds on my yard and elsewhere have been very busy feeding.

I was sitting outside enjoying the beautiful weather,when a fight broke out.
These two Robins did not seem to like each other.

The other day I spent some enjoyable time at our local lake.
I had seen the  Pelicans and all the action,but didn't know at first what was going on.
I soon realized that they were fishing.You can also see some Double-crested Cormorants among them.
These guys were just waiting for a free lunch,the Pelicans were doing all the work.

Her is just another shot of the action.

I spotted at least four Common Loons on the lake,but they did not come very close to shore.This is about the best picture I could get and it is heavily cropped.

I leave you with a path of stars over the lake.

Thought for today:
Let the beauty of the wild leave footprints on your heart.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Photo and Praise

Every day is a good day to praise the Lord.

As I was looking for a picture to go with this verse,I thought of a mountain scene,but decided on this one instead.
A scene like this is every bit as beautiful,in my eyes as a snow-capped mountain. I trust this scene causes you to lift your heart in praise as it does mine.
This picture was taken by Jake,and is from a slide scan.