Thursday, February 24, 2011

Winter Friends

On February 13,I took a little drive out of town.
I was not sure what I could expect,but here are a few pictures taken that day.Allow me to share some of my winter friends with you.

Just at the edge of town,these deer were feeding on the field.
They were so engrossed in their feeding,that they mostly ignored me.

I think this one was watching the traffic on the road,just down the hill from here.

I turned around after seeing the Deer and went north of town,looking for something interesting to photograph.
I came upon this stand of trees.
I like the delicate look of the branches against the sky.

Back at home is where I find the birds.
The Red-breasted Nuthatch is eating homemade suet,just outside the dining room window.
Having a bird feeder this close to the window,means always having a dirty window,but the rewards are worth it to me.

A little later in the day,I looked out and saw the White-breasted Nuthatch sitting motionless on another suet feeder.
He sat there for so long that I started looking around for a hawk or other predator.
I never did see any enemy,but I do think one must have been nearby.
I have noticed that whenever one sees the birds motionless or all disappearing in a hurry,be on the look out for a Hawk.

On the above photo,I cropped it a little and then I edited the wire out.The wire was actually in front of the bird,but I didn't like that look.
I do hope that soon I will be able to show pictures that don't have snow in them.Unfortunately that may be a while before that happens.

Thought for today:
When you awoke this morning,
you were given a wonderful gift —
a brand new day,a chance to "begin again."

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