Another week has come and gone.
With very high temperatures and humidity,we have not been able to get as many pictures as we would have liked.
Today I am showing you a variety of images taken by Jake over the last week or two.
The Marbled Godwit must be nesting in our area.
We have seen them around a few times,just a couple of miles south of town.
AS the sun was in the western sky,this bird made several passes.
I love the pattern on the wings.
Here is a side view,so you can see the belly.
This is also richly patterned.
On Thursday,we took a trip to Oak Hammock Marsh.
This is a large marsh area just north of Winnipeg.
We were somewhat disappointed with the lack of birds,but one sighting made up for this.
As we walked along a pair of Killdeer were putting on a dramatic display.
Jake finally noticed why.Huddled in among the stones were four of the smallest Killdeer We had ever seen.They can not have been very old,and of course they never moved.
We got several pictures and walked away,allowing the parents to tend to them.
The other day on yet another drive in the country,we came upon this scene.
THis is a typical scene in southern Manitoba.
A field of gold,which will at the right time be harvested and turned into cash.
It seems that the summer is speeding along and before we know it the combines will be out in full force.
We usually don't see owls during daylight hours,so this one was a treat.
A Great Horned Owl sitting on a fence post.
It was too far away for a good picture,but worth taking anyway.
Finally,a look to the east,where storm clouds are gathering.
The immensity of these clouds amazes me.
The water towers you see just right of the center of the picture,are where we get our water from in Morden.They stand alongside of Lake Minniwasta,and draw water from there.
Right now our lake is full and we are thankful for that.
A lot of people depend on this water source.
Thought for today:
Stop every now and then.
Just stop and enjoy.
Take a deep breath.
Relax and take in the abundance of life.
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