Monday, June 21, 2010

Rain and More Rain

We have had a lot of rain recently.
I keep reminding myself that we were being told it would be a hot dry year.
Hmm,I wonder where the dryness is staying.
Farmers are working down fields that have been wet for too long.
I have not been out taking pictures of this but I found a few from 2005
which seem to be appropriate now.
The massive thunderheads that form are truly amazing.
To see these in the sky gives one a sense of awe for the power within it.
Some of these can also generate harmful weather,which of course no one wants.
When the sun breaks trough these clouds it fills the earth with light.
Whenever I see this kind of sunlight streaming down,I am reminded of our Lords' second coming.

I am one who watches the weather closely and take note of the various cloud formations.
This dark sky was threatening rain.
Some of these dark clouds yield nothing more than some wind.

And after the rain,comes the rainbow.
Gods' promise in the sky.
I caught this rainbow one evening,just outside our back door.

Thought for today comes from Gods' word,
Psalm 8:3+4
When I consider your heavens,the work of your fingers,…
what is man that you are mindful of him.

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