Thursday, May 13, 2010

May 12 and 13 through the years

Just for something different,today I will go back through the years 
and choose a picture from each year taken on the above dates.
I decided on three days since I don't have a picture for each year on only one date.
This first picture is from May 12,2006.
The Robin really needs no introduction.This male takes a moment to allow me to get a good shot of him.
At this time of year the Robins are very busy building nests.
Just after lunch today,we saw one carrying building material into a nearby tree.
 The path shown below is at one of our favorite places,Binney Corner and Nature Preserve.This was taken  May 13,2007.
This Nature preserve is a small parcel of land,but has a variety of habitat,
from water to marshes to woodlands.
Jake and I have spent many hours walking these trails and seen and photographed many birds there.
 On May 13,2008 I photographed this Chipping Sparrow.
This little fellow is sitting on the decorative fence around the pond.
I enjoy the Chipping Sparrows as they come to the feed on the ground.
 A Lincoln Sparrow,shot by Jake on May 12,2009 is also right in front of our house.
Take note of the feathers on his head.
He seems to be a bit perturbed.This is usually a fairly shy bird,so is not that easily photographed.
 Yesterday,May12,2010,another visit to the local sewage lagoons and another  Grebe.
I have so far this year seen 5 Grebe species,all the ones usually seen in southern Manitoba.
THis Eared Grebe was one of several which were on the lagoons.
I'm thinking he has a permanent bad hair day.
Again,notice the raised crest,a sign of agitation.
From our observation there was courtship and pair bonding going on.

Well,that is my trip through the years in the middle of May.
I should add that Jake has been taking pictures for many more years,but I don't have dates on those shots,so it would only be a guess.


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