Monday, April 5, 2010

Hawk Watch 2010

The last week has been very busy,not with work,but instead with hawk watching.
Today I want to share a few of my many pictures with you.
I will start with the bird recognized by most people.
The Bald Eagle is always a thrill to watch.
Below is an immature Bald Eagle.
As you can see it does not have the white head and tail.
Although not wearing the white,this bird is no less beautiful as it soars through the sky.
Here is another look at an immature Bald Eagle.
Just look at that wingspan,a massive 7-8 feet.
One of the most numerous birds passing through the Pembina Valley in Manitoba 
is the Red-tailed Hawk..Yesterday,April 4,we had 1200 Red-tails pass through.
To witness this is such a thrill,something that has to be experienced to truly understand it.
The Red-tail Hawks come in different plumages.
Below is a Dark Phase Red-tail.Some are also very light 
and one of our friends calls them her White Angels.
Whether light or dark each Hawk is a joy to watch.
One of the smaller Hawks which come through is the Sharp-shinned Hawk.
These birds are very fast fliers,so to get a picture is not that easy.
The question is often asked,How do you know that it's not the same birds coming around 
for another look?
It is really very easy to see that these birds are passing through.
Often the people doing the counting will sit close to a shale cliff,
and the birds pop over the top and then proceed to head off behind us.
Today the birds chose to fly very high and that makes it quite difficult to see them.
As a photographer I prefer when they fly low and take their time.

They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength,
they will soar on wings like eagles.
Isaiah 40:31

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