Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ducks and More

The birds seem slow in returning.
This may be in part because it is still early,yet the weather has been so nice.
We may be getting a little impatient,here are a few of the recent birds.
The pictures shown today are done by Jake.
This Hermit Thrush stopped long enough for a picture.
They rarely sit still for very long and often are in the underbrush.
New growth is abundant right now.
Each new leaf is a promise of the summer to come.

An American Coot and its perfect reflection.
This was taken at a marsh quite a few miles to the south-west of Morden.
It seems that these birds are usually quite shy and will not allow close photos.
This bird obviously was the exception.
A pair of Blue-winged Teal at the same marsh.
These birds blend into the background fairly well.

Here is the male Blue-winged Teal.
He is quite striking with that white face patch.
The blue of the wings only shows up in flight.
A master at camouflage,
this Coopers Hawk is well hidden,but still caught by the camera.
This bird is at our local park in town. 
We are aware of at least two nests of the Coopers,so we look forward to 
pictures of the young and perhaps feeding time.
All images were shot with a Canon 40D and 100-400mm lens.
They all have been cropped a little to show the birds better.
The above bird is not a Coopers Hawk,but instead a Broad-winged Hawk.
This correction is thanks to a friend who is much more knowledgeable than I.

Psalm 46:8

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Birds Around Home

Today I am taking you to some of our local birding spots.
This first picture is taken right on our yard.
We enjoy the birds as they come to the feeders,and this Purple Finch is a true delight.
Below is a Red-winged Blackbird.
This picture was taken just a few miles east of town,where there is a small pond.
As you can see he was singing heartily,and giving me lots of chances for pictures.
Going south and west of town,we found this Red-tailed Hawk.
I know it is not a perfect shot,but I like the action,as he is landing.
Back in town,we head to Livingston Nature Park.
It is still very quiet here,but this Robin showed up among the brush.
I think he was trying to hide from me.Guess it didn't work.
Also in Livingston Park Jake and I found a pair of Coopers Hawks.
Here is one of the birds perched beside their nest.
The tree is very tall and therefore the picture is  at a bad angle.
We will be watching this site for more activity.
In order to show the Hawk better,this photo has been cropped.
They really are a pretty bird.
This pair was not impressed with our presence and made a lot of noise,so we did not stay long.
As the spring season progresses we hope to find many more birds to photograph.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ring-billed Gulls

Allow me to take you to St Vital Park in Winnipeg,Manitoba.
This is one of our favorite places to photograph water birds.
The following pictures were taken on April 17,2010.
All pictures were shot with the Canon Rebel xti,and 100-400mm lens,
using it at 400mm.
This is a typical scene at the park,gulls flying overhead.
This image has not been cropped so you can see it was really close.
Another Ring-billed Gull,this time flying a little lower,again,uncropped.
These two landed on a light post and looked like they were posing,
both having their head turned the same way.
This picture has been cropped a little.

Here is an uncropped photo,to show just how close they allow one to come.
It is shot at 400mm,but still,this is all I could get in the picture.
Looking across the small pond I noticed a Gull landing on a tree.
This is something I had never seen before.
He seemed to have a hard time balancing on the thin branches.
Just another shot of the same Gull.
I thought his balancing act looked quite lovely.Both of these pictures are cropped a small amount.
I am sure that throughout the summer there will be more picture from this park.

Character is made by what you stand for; reputation by what you fall for.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Yesterday,April 17,Jake and I spent the day in Winnipeg.
Together we took over 500 pictures,it was a great day.
The highlight was the Wood Ducks at St.Vital Park.
The small pond had at least 8 pair of Woodies on it,and maybe more,
and since these birds,although,wild,are used to humans,photography was excellent.
All images were taken at 400mm and have not been cropped.
Only slight adjustments to lighting has been done.
The above photo shows the Wood Duck pair coming out of the water,to eat some grass.
Mr. and Mrs. Woodie.
Are they not just the most handsome couple?
Each time I look at these pictures I smile,these ducks are so beautiful.

This is only a few of my many pictures of these birds.
I hope you have enjoyed my Wood Ducks as much as I do.
The other birds willing to pose were the Ring-billed Gulls,
but that is another post.

PSALM 46:8

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dark-eyed Junco and Others

The activity at our feeders has been varied.
Some days we have lots of birds and at other times it is too quiet.
I spent some time on Sunday afternoon sitting outside and here are some of the results.
The Dark-eyed Junco is sometimes considered a drab  bird.
They are anything but drab.Take a closer look at these images.
This bird is uniformly slate grey,but notice the pink bill.
This little fellow is quite distinct.
Notice the dark hood,contrasted by the brownish back,and again that pink bill.
This is the same bird and although the picture
does not show this very well,
he had light rusty color just underneath the wings.
These two White-winged Crossbills could almost pass for love birds.
Actually they were just both drinking at the top of the waterfall.
I just had to add this picture.
A head on shot of the female White-winged Crossbill.
Take note of the shadow created by her bill.
This looks like a very long bill.

PSALM 34:3

Monday, April 12, 2010

Some of Our Recent Birds

All the pictures in todays post were taken by Jake.
We spent the day on Saturday,April 10,at Portage la Prairie.
This is a small city about an hours drive northwest of our place.
Our main reason for going there was the report of Common Goldeneye on the lake.
We were not disappointed as we found several pairs performing their courtship displays.
Here is a picture of the male Common Goldeneye in flight.
The coloration of this bird is quite distinct.
Also present on the lake was one pair of Hooded Mergansers.
The male is even more spectacular when he has his crest raised.
The duller female has a perpetual bad hair day.
At home we were treated to a visit from a small flock of White-winged Crossbills.
This is a female,noted by its yellowish color.
The male is much brighter and reddish in color.
Just today we found that these birds do not mind being close to humans.
Jake and I were working on the decorative pool and the Crossbills came right down beside us.One even landed right on Jakes head.                                                                 Where is the camera when I need it?
I might add that Jake reached out and stroked one of the birds on the back.
What a very special moment!
Yesterday,Sunday ,April 11,we headed back to the Valley and the Hawk Watch.
This time it was time for the Turkey Vultures.
Here is just one picture to show their massive wingspan of 6 feet.
They are graceful flyers,passing overhead without a single wingbeat.
I hope you enjoyed this little trip to a few of our favorite birding spots.

PSALM 46:8

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Western Meadowlark

The pictures for today were taken on April 4,2010.
Jake and I found this Western Meadowlark to be very cooperative.
Actually there were two birds,but to get both on one picture I had to zoom back too far.
Except for this first picture,each one is only slightly cropped,so you can see he was very close.
I took all of these pictures while sitting in the car.
After the first few shots one of the birds decided to walk away.
I believe these two birds were in a courting ritual,as they were both singing heartily
even while we were very close.
That bright yellow is so stunning.
I love to see these birds return in spring,and their song is so beautiful.
Finally,this is across the ditch.
The other bird was a short distance away,and they were taking turns singing.
These re perhaps the best Meadowlark pictures I have to date.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Hawk Watch 2010

The last week has been very busy,not with work,but instead with hawk watching.
Today I want to share a few of my many pictures with you.
I will start with the bird recognized by most people.
The Bald Eagle is always a thrill to watch.
Below is an immature Bald Eagle.
As you can see it does not have the white head and tail.
Although not wearing the white,this bird is no less beautiful as it soars through the sky.
Here is another look at an immature Bald Eagle.
Just look at that wingspan,a massive 7-8 feet.
One of the most numerous birds passing through the Pembina Valley in Manitoba 
is the Red-tailed Hawk..Yesterday,April 4,we had 1200 Red-tails pass through.
To witness this is such a thrill,something that has to be experienced to truly understand it.
The Red-tail Hawks come in different plumages.
Below is a Dark Phase Red-tail.Some are also very light 
and one of our friends calls them her White Angels.
Whether light or dark each Hawk is a joy to watch.
One of the smaller Hawks which come through is the Sharp-shinned Hawk.
These birds are very fast fliers,so to get a picture is not that easy.
The question is often asked,How do you know that it's not the same birds coming around 
for another look?
It is really very easy to see that these birds are passing through.
Often the people doing the counting will sit close to a shale cliff,
and the birds pop over the top and then proceed to head off behind us.
Today the birds chose to fly very high and that makes it quite difficult to see them.
As a photographer I prefer when they fly low and take their time.

They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength,
they will soar on wings like eagles.
Isaiah 40:31