Since we are almost ready to step into 2010 I would like to look back
at some of the birding highlights of the past year.
This first bird the Eurasian Collared Dove was a lifer for us.
Photographing these birds was a definite highlight of JANUARY.
The Common Redpoll is not a lifer,but still a joy to see.
In FEBRUARY Jake got this shot.
MARCH gave us this almost pure white Snowy Owl.
No matter how often I see these,they always cause me to take a second look.
APRIL brought a brand new Canon 100-400mm lens,and this Black-capped Chickadee.
This was one of the very first pictures taken with the new lens.
In MAY we went to Delta Marsh,Manitoba and were able to capture this Dunlin.
The Dunlin was one of the reasons we went here,this is a life bird as well.
JUNE and a walk through one of our town parks,yielded this picture.
The Great-crested Flycatcher is one bird I was hoping to get a good shot of.
The Lark Sparrow was another bird which had eluded me as far as pictures were concerned.
In JULY I managed to get a few decent shots,this being one of them.
AUGUST yielded two more lifers for us.
The first was this Northern Mockingbird.
Secondly we were thrilled to be able to see and photograph the Say's Phoebe.
I'd say August was a good month for us.
The Ruby-throated Hummingbird is by no means an unusual bird,but always a thrill to see.
In SEPTEMBER we spent many hours at the English Gardens in Winnipeg,Manitoba.
The Hummers were very cooperative,and we were able to get many great pictures.
OCTOBER,and the birding begins to slow down,so we have to look for new ways to shoot the birds.
Jake and I spent quite some time watching and shooting the Blue Jays as they helped themselves to peanuts.
NOVEMBER gave us one more special bird.
We had seen the Red-bellied Woodpecker before,but this was our best chance to get some pictures.
This was also at the English Gardens in Winnipeg.
Now we are in DECEMBER and in southern Manitoba we see only the very hardy birds.
This Northern Flicker surprised me with a visit to our suet block.
We have seen him at the window fairly regularly since then.
OK I know this is not a bird,but I thought I would throw it in.
This picture was taken by my three year old granddaughter.
I think she did a good job,too bad the subject wasn't better.LOL
This will be my last post for 2009,so I pray that each one
of you will feel God's nearness in the coming year.
I see God in the majesty of His creation.
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