Monday, July 13, 2009

My Weekly Bird ABC

The letter 'Y' is a sigh that this series is winding down.
Thankfully I have more 'Y' birds to show today.
Our first bird is the small Yellow-throated Vireo.
As you can see the yellow extends into the breast as well,
but,I didn't give him his name.

Both pictures were taken right in front of our door.
We were fortunate to be able to watch one of these birds build a nest last year.
Unfortunately the nest was not on our yard,but a a nearby park.
This bird who is in the Woodpecker family is called a
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.
To see the yellow belly one has to see him from the bottom.
There is a faint yellow wash on his belly.
In fact it is so faint that it is hard to see.
Once again I had no part in the naming process.
The bird seen here is a gorgeous male,
the female lacks the red throat.
The Yellow Warbler is easy to identify,he is all yellow.
There is some variation as to color,some birds have very distinct
rusty streaks on the breast,others lack these and may be a duller yellow.
The Yellow Warbler is a persistent singer as well.
Here is another view of the Yellow-belled Sapsucker.
This is near a nest hole,so the bird was quite tame. One of our first spring migrants is the Yellow-rumped Warbler. The males are particularly beautiful.
I apologize for my pictures not being in order,but another look at the Yellow Warble.
You will notice the darker streaks on this bird.
Take a close look at the Yellow-rumped Warbler.
Is that not a cute little fellow?
Although these pictures do not show it,they really do have a bright yellow rump.
The females are generally more dull,but that yellow rump is
a good identifying mark.
Well folks it looks like next week I need to wrap this up.
It should be fun,stay tuned.
The Lord is a great God. Psalm 95:3

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