Monday, June 29, 2009

My Weekly Bird ABC

The wonderful world of 'W'.
Today we have a lot of birds to explore,so,
sit back and join me as we look at the 'W' birds.
The first bird is the colorful male Wood Duck.
Without a doubt this is my favorite duck.
Here we see him perched in a tree,something other ducks don't do.
The Wilson's Phalorope is also quite colorful.
In this species it is the female who has the brighter color.
The reason for this is that the males incubate the eggs,
while the girls are out doing what female Phaloropes do. Here is the White-throated Sparrow.
This bird passes through our area in early spring and fall. The small Winter Wren is a relative of the more common House Wren.
A Wilson's Snipe is most unusual looking.
It seems that the bill is too long for him.
In the spring we hear them winnowing in the fields.
The above photos are by Ruth
Western Grebes are sleek birds.
These are the one that run on the water during courtship displays.
Here we see them during part of the courtship display. The following pictures are done by Jake
The song of the Western Meadowlark is so clear and flute like.
In our area when we hear the Meadowlarks we know it's spring.
Another spring migrant is the White-crowned Sparrow.
The Western Kingbird is not as common in our area as it's cousin
the Eastern Kingbird.
I do think this bird is lovely to look at.
Not quite as pretty,is the Wild Turkey.
We have flocks of them in the rural areas.
A bird which is around all year is the White-breasted Nuthatch.
This picture shows him in his normal pose,
going down a tree head first.
The last bird for today is very special.
The Western Tanager is not supposed to be in our part of the country.
A few years ago this bird stopped by in spring.
He stayed just long enough to get a few pictures and was not seen again.
You can learn a great deal about God by studying His creation.

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