Thursday, June 18, 2009

Manitoba Wildflowers

We are supposed to get thunder storms tonight,
so before they hit come with me back before the time of
digital cameras.
All of the following pictures were taken by Jake,
using slide film,and were later scanned to the computer.
Let's take a walk through some of our local wildflowers.
This first one is often sen in wet ditches.
This is called Water Smartweed.
The color is vibrant among the green grasses. Here we can take a look at the delicate bells of the Harebell.
The foliage of this plant is like slender stems of grass,
but those little bells are held high.
Clusters of these along the roadsides are gorgeous.
he Prairie Crocus grows wild in pastures.
This plant stays low to the ground and blooms very early in spring. Yellow Ladyslipper is a very showy flower. These are protected and not to be picked or dug up. We a have a favorite spot to go for these pictures. The plants also prefer a moist place in which to grow. Goldenrod is a fall flower. The tall plants are also great for drying,they hold up well.
Cosed Gentian is a flower I have only seen twice.
It seems that they do not bloom every year.
The flower does not open as one would expect;
but stays closed this way.
Wild Asters are everywhere in fall.
Roadsides are filled with both the purple and the white ones.
The flowers are small but together they put on quite a show.
Canada Thistle is not appreciated by all,especially the farmers.
I think the flowers are beautiful,but to keep the neighbors happy
I just have pictures and no plants.
This is called Goat's Beard.
Flowers that resemble a Dandelion and the seed head is also very similar.
I hope you have enjoyed some of our wildflowers.
This is the day to marvel as you discover a bit of God in People,
in nature and in happenings.

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