Monday, May 25, 2009

My Weekly Bird ABC

If last weeks post was sparse,this week is plentiful.
The first 8 pictures are Jake's work,and the last 5 are done by Ruth.
This is a Ring-necked Duck,although the 'ring' is not visible. Here is a male Ruffed Grouse caught in the act of drumming.
This is a very old photo,taken with slide film and scanned to the computer.This pair of Redhead Ducks are also taken with slide film and scanned.
The Red-breasted Nuthatch is a year round visitor at our feeders.
A Ruby-crowned Kinglet is not east to photograph,
as he is always on the move. Jake caught this one in that second of inactivity.
The male Red-winged Blackbird is about as pretty as could be.
At this time of year the marshes are filled with these birds.
The tiny Ruby-throated Hummingbird is a coveted bird for photographs.
As seen here the red throat feathers only light up when the light hits it just right.
A Red-eyed Vireo is more often heard than seen.
These birds are persistent singers,from the highest branches of the trees.
A common sight on most lakes in summer are the Ring-billed Gulls.
This Red-necked Grebe was a treat to see,as they are not that abundant in our area.
What's not to love about the Rose-breasted Grosbeak?
These birds are colorful and have beautiful rich voices.
Some once said it was like a Robin who had taken voice lessons.
Last but not least is the colorful small Ruddy Duck.
This guy is almost clownish,with his bright colors.
If you ever have a chance to watch their courtship display
you will certainly enjoy it.
The vigorous head bobbing is most amusing.
How great are your works,O Lord.
Psalm 92:5

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