Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fall Birds

This Pine Siskin may not be very colorful,
but what these birds lack in color
they make up for in their cheerful twitter.
Last winter we had about 80 of these little birds
visit our feeder regularily.
Hopefully they show up again to brighten our cold winter.
An American Goldfinch dressed for fall.
Here is a House Sparrow looking quite
cozy in the fall leaves.


  1. Wonderful photos of the birds in a beautiful fall setting!

  2. We have the little Siskins and Goldfinch at our feeder area often and like you, we feed them regularly over the winter. We've never had a House Sparrow at our feeders though.
    Every day I always enjoy searching through the foliage while standing by the window wondering who we might have visiting today. Its a lovely time of year. glad you enjoyed my baby Snapping Turtles.

  3. Nice work, Ruth. They do look like fall. Thanks for visiting wingsnthings and for your nice comments.

  4. I love migration season ~ we get SO many different kinds of birds flitting amongst our Honeysuckle hedges and Mountain Ash trees. These are beautiful pictures, Ruth. I SO need a telephoto lens for my camera!! Birds tend to not pose for pictures very nicely when the photographer needs to be within five feet away!!

  5. These little birds seem to be welcoming fall with their colors. They blend so nicely :-)
