Monday, September 29, 2008


The color in our area is so vibrant this year
it is hard not to take more pictures.
I think that perhaps the color display
is because we have not had any frost yet.
These pictures were all taken at St.Vital Park in Winnipeg,Mb.

Friday, September 26, 2008

All creation bears the autograph of God
All creation bears God's autograph.
I like to think of this path leading
to unknown,yet beautiful places

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Grandma's Little Princess

Here is my precious Granddaughter,Kai
admiring the fall colors.
She arrived at our house still
in her pyjamas,but that's O.K.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Something toThink About

A wise old owl lived in an oak (or evergreen); The more he saw the less he spoke; The less he spoke the more he heard; Why can't we all be like thet wise old bird? I came across this in my reading this morning. I needed that reminder.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Begin the day with prayer,end it with praise.

Canada Geese were everywhere at St Vital Park,Winnipeg.
This one was coming in for a landing.
These flowers at St.Vital Park,Winnipeg,Manioba
were still lovely on our walk yesterday.
Praise the Lord.Give thanks to the Lord,His
love endures forever.Psalm 106:1
When I look at the intricate patterns on this duck
I can only say "Creation is filled with signs that
point to the Creator."

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Come with me for a morning walk at Lake Minniwasta

Americn White Pelicans
Morning Cloak
A view of the trail.
Another view and more color.
A morning walk along the trail at Lake Minniwasta
was most enjoyable.The fall colors were vibrant as you can see.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Here is a scene from a valley close to our home.
I think the colors are gorgeous. A turkey Vulture circling overhead.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Fall Colors

If we cannot see beauty,we cannot see God. He has made everthingbeautiful
in its time.
Ecclesiastes 3:11
I can never get enough of the fall colors,
they are with us for such a short time.
Southern Manitoba has some beautiful sunsets,
especially in fall.
I also love the colorful foliage.
This Sumac is always lovely.
It is just beginning to show it's real beauty.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Eventful Morning

Great Blue Heron and Great Egret Seeing double-two Great Egrets Great Egret fly-by
My husband and I went to a small local pond to look for birds.
The morning proved to be very successful for me.I had great opportunities to photograph a
Great Blue Heron as well as two Great Egrets.
I feel blessed to have had this opportunity,these are such graceful birds.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


This was one of those special moments for my dear husband,a moment to give thanks to God.
God's miracles
Are all around
Within our sight
And touch and sound.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Beauty of Nature

This quote from a book called "God is in the Small Stuff"by Bruce & Stan,says it all. When you see beauty in nature,praise the Creator.

Monday, September 8, 2008


Recently while Jake and I were out hunting for photo opportunities we were surprised to see Coyotes.The last picture was taken two days before the others.I would also like to give credit to Jake for the first picture,as you can see I got a shot of the shooter.I am thankful to have had this chance to see and photograph these seldom seen animals.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Had some fun with Photoshop yesterday. I decided to have a sky full of hawks instead of just one.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fall Beauty

It has begun to feel somewhat like fall the last few days. Even though I know that this season means the end of summer,I can't help but look forward to the fall beauty.As the leaves turn color there is beauty all around. I need to remind myself to take the time to savor all the colors and sights. Here are two pictures taken on our yard last year,I am anticipating the same richness of color soon.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Getting Started

Since this is my first post,let me share a little about myself and my family.
My husband,Jake and I have one son who is married to a lovely young lady,who compliments our family well. On January 03,2006 Steve and Anita launched us into the roll of grandparents.
I must say that this has been a most enjoyable new roll.Our precious granddaughter,Kai is the sunshine in every day.
Jake and I spend many hours enjoying one of our favorite hobbies,photography.
It seems that we always find something to photograph.We feel that this is one way we can show the beauty of God's creation.As I post pictures on this site,it is my desire that they will cause you to see nature in a new light.Take time to appreciate what our loving God has so bountifully given to us.