Friday, December 17, 2021

Merry Christmas

May this Christmas be a time of celebrating the love of family and friends, but most of all let’s celebrate the birth of Jesus. He is the reason we can truly celebrate. 

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Special Post

The time has come to take a break from blogging. I don't know how long this break will be, or if it may be  permanent. I will be on Facebook and would love to interact with you there.

I am not shutting down this blog, just yet, but need to take some time to decide if or when I decide to come back here. 

For a final set of pictures, at least for some time, I am sharing scenes from fall in Manitoba.

First is Lake Minniwasta at sunset.

The full moon is always lovely to look at and to photograph.

A thin cloud finger reaches over the moon to create a different look.

Color was not that great this past fall, but we did have some.

I am hoping that next year we will have abundant moisture and maybe more color.

Thank-you to each of you who enriched my life here in blogland. I cherish the friendships I have made and look forward to continuing those on Facebook.

Seeing as we are near Christmas Day, I also take this time to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with blessings.

Sunday, December 5, 2021


Today, as the temperatures are dropping outside and the wind is blowing the snow all around, I choose to look back at some warmer days.

Getting a decent picture of a Crow or Raven has been a problem to me. An all black bird is not easy to get right, in my opinion. Well on this day last summer, everything was in my favour. The blue sky and the right light allowed me to get some decent shots of this Raven.

Of course, one picture will never do, so I had to take several.

I like how the plumage glistens in this light.
Yes, even though I was hoping for Bald Eagles, these photos made my day.

The power of nature amazes me. These mushrooms are fairly soft, but they had no problem pushing through the hard dirt at the edge of the road.

This one even had all the grass roots to contend with, still it stands tall and unharmed from that upward push.

Something to think about:

Life may sometimes be hard, but with gentle persistence we can push through and show the world around us the inner strength we have.