Sunday, October 31, 2021

Fall At Discovery Nature Sanctuary

Yes, these pictures were taken some time ago, but they show just some of the beauty of fall at the Nature Sanctuary.

It was a quiet morning when I was there. It seemed no one else was out and about and I enjoyed the peacefulness of the morning.

I found one Milkweed still in bloom.

A small patch of these bright flowers. I think they may be a form of the Mexican Hat flower.

Obviously the birds had not found these ripe cherries, but I'm sure they discovered them in time.

The creek that runs through this area was like a sheet of glass and so pretty.

As I walked along one of the paths, I saw in the distance a patch of white. Upon closer inspection, I realized it was a patch of these pretty flowers. They look so delicate.

Something To Think About:

No one is in charge of your happiness, except you.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Hot Summer Sunset

This past summer has been extremely dry and for the most part very hot. Weather like this does not inspire me to go looking for photo opportunities. Yet, in the interest of getting out of the house, I spent some evenings just west of my town, watching the deer to the east of my car or the setting sun to the west.  

Yes, these are photos of the setting sun, even though they may look like a full moon.

A few stems of grass added some interest to the photo.

It is hard to make this ball of fire look fantastic, but I keep on trying. 

Here I have focused on the grass, thus putting the sun out of focus. It looks hot and as I recall, even at this moment it was still too warm for my enjoyment.

Finally the sun slips behind the trees and a few clouds. 

Shifting the camera angle slightly, I was able to capture a few wispy clouds.

Because I try to find things to be thankful for, I must say, I am thankful that this summer is over.
Now we pray and trust that God will send abundant snow to replenished the water supplies.

Friday, October 15, 2021

Summertime Treasures

Yes, these pictures are taken this past summer.

I love going out a while before sunset and perhaps find some special treasures. 

One of those treasures were the White-tailed deer that came out of the woods to feed on a field of bean plants.

Are those little guys not the cutest?

I have many more pictures of the deer and will most certainly be sharing more from time to time.

On another drive, on a very hot summer day, I was passing some old buildings when I noticed the birds.
A Western Meadowlark and a Mourning Dove were sharing the rooftop perch.

The area I was in is called Mowbray and at one time it had a school and hall, but now these old buildings, ready to fall down are all that is left. I thought the Meadowlark gave a fitting touch to this sign.

Another Meadowlark chose the top of an old chimney from which to sing.

One last look at a handsome buck. This one was walking across the meadow in front of my car. At one point I called out to him and asked him to stop and pose for me. This is what I got. Not bad, I would say.

 Closing Thought:

If you’re facing a tough day, know that you’re not alone.

God promises: “Never will I leave you or forsake you” 

Hebrews 13:5

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Choosing To See Beauty

I have titled this post, Choosing To See Beauty, for a good reason.

Do you see beauty when you look at a Turkey Vulture or a Thistle? I do and that is because I choose to see it.

OK, I will agree that the face of these vultures is not the most beautiful, but when they are soaring in the sky, it is pure beauty.

In the first picture you can clearly see those silver feathers that make these birds shine in the sky.

The Turkey Vulture is part of our rural cleanup crew. They devour a lot of carrion, thus keeping our roads cleaner.

What about the Thistle? Do you think of it as a beautiful flower or a weed to be done away with?

I am aware that farmers don't like these plants, but I still think these flowers have extraordinary beauty.

The rich color of this flower is eye-catching.

Even the bud has spectacular beauty. No, I don't want to touch it, those spikes are sharp, but it looks striking.

A word of encouragement, try to find beauty in all of nature around you.


Saturday, October 9, 2021

Evening Treasures

This past summer I found a good spot from which to watch the White-tailed Deer. I spent many an evening up there waiting for these beautiful animals to come out and feed on the fresh leaves of the beans growing in this field.

I saw as many as six bucks at once, some small ones and a few that looked really good. They were still in velvet at the time.

The does and the younger ones seemed to stay to themselves, but all were beautiful.

When the light got a little low,  I turned my attention to the setting sun. During these days we had a lot of smoke in the air and that gave some unique sunsets.

The sun changed looks as it dropped down.

I like how the sun is just kissing the tops of the trees.
The air was heavy with smoke and I'm sure it was difficult for those with breathing problems.

I make it my goal to try to see beauty in all of nature.

 How strange that nature does not knock, and yet it does not intrude.