Friday, May 28, 2021

The Blessings Of spring

One of my favourite places to go for sunset scenes, is Lake Minniwasta. Yes, I have many similar scenes, yet each one is slightly different.

The setting sun, peeking out from the clouds and reflected in the lake, gives a pleasing scene.

That golden path across the water is so beautiful.

While I wait for the sun to set, a lone Mallard swims across the calm waters.

On another day, I was able to get some photos of a Common Loon on the lake.

When I arrived at home, so had the Robins. They were everywhere. The feast that attracted them, was last years apples.

Give this some thought:

I have too many flaws to be perfect,

But I have too many blessings to be ungrateful.


Sunday, May 23, 2021

An Afternoon at St. Vital Park

I love spring. Both as a photographer and a birder, spring is one of the best times for exciting new pictures.

The Mallard drake is a gorgeous bird. This is one of those birds, that is common around here in spring and summer,one which I will keep on getting photos of whenever I have the chance. The thought is always, that the next shot may be the perfect one.

Canada Geese are another very common bird during the spring and summer months. I love capturing them during the bathing process.

The most colorful duck we see around here is the Wood Duck drake. I already have more than enough photos of these birds, but once again, the next one may be the best one, so I keep on shooting.

God brought out all the best colors when he made this one.

Where there is water and perhaps a human or two who might throw out a morsel of food, there will be gulls, like this Ring-billed Gull.

 Just Something To Think About:

Father, so stun our hearts with your grace today we’ll have a hard time complaining and criticizing, whining and worrying.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

The Canada Goose

The Canada Goose has become a familiar sight around here. When I was growing up, we would see those huge "V" formations in the sky in spring and again in fall, but rarely did we see the geese during the summer. Now they are everywhere, even in busy cities. If they have water and a place to make a nest, they will make themselves at home.

To me those first goose calls are a sign that spring is right around the corner.

Some folks don't like them, and I will agree, they leave a mess wherever they are, but I think there is something beautiful about them.

I could not see a nest here, but I do think it was probably hidden in the reeds.

These birds become very protective of their nests and later the young.

Upon landing, there is nothing better than to stretch out those powerful wings.

I enjoy watching this, and of course capturing it with my camera.

I am not sure if this was supposed to be a nesting platform, but these two used it as a place to relax.

Whether you like these birds or not, they are resilient and will make themselves at home almost anywhere.

God cares for the birds and that includes the Canada Geese.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Early Spring Sightings

 A quick stop at the Discovery Nature Sanctuary on April 10 yielded a few early spring images.

On one of the ponds two male Mallards were slowly gliding along,creating interesting lines in the calm water.

One of last years Milkweed pods still had a few seeds hanging on. These thin filaments glisten in any small amount of light.

I also checked out a known field of Prairie Crocuses. It was even a little early for them, but they still showed some beauty.

Some of the flower buds were just emerging from the cold ground. They are hard to see, as they blend in with the ground so well.

I love the soft look of these special flowers. 

The Prairie Crocus is the flower of Manitoba, so therefore it is illegal to dig them up or even to pick them. it is best to walk carefully and take as many pictures as you want. This assures us that these flowers will be around for others to enjoy.

Nowadays, it is not that easy to find these flowers,but I remember as a child we used to pick many of them. They were growing in abundance in almost any pasture. Back then we did not know that they were a protected species, or maybe they were not even listed as such then.

Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Discovery Nature Sanctuary

In recent years a new nature preserve has taken shape.

The beauty is that it is only about eight miles from my place, so I can go there often.

Discovery Nature Sanctuary is located just east of Winkler, Manitoba. This place is still new, but it offers some relaxed walking paths, a creek, a pond complete with marshes at the edge. Also, it features some mature trees as well as shrubs. All this attracts a variety of birds. I have added a link to the Facebook page of this site.

My first visit there this spring was early, so not too much green around yet, but that didn’t mean there was nothing of interest .

All photos in this post were taken on April 10,2021.

The empty shell of last years milkweed was still hanging on.

Along the edge of the pond, I spotted this fella. I believe it is a Mink and that may mean that the ground nesting birds will have to work a little harder to protect their nests.

What do you see here? I see a bird, don't ask me what kind, but it looks like spread wings to me.

I love this old tree, and yes, it is alive,but as I said it was early, so no leaves at that time.

The creek is calm, waiting for the action of the waterfowl which is sure to happen shortly.

Yes, this place is at the edge of the industrial area of the city, but the birds really don't care.

Lord, thank You for the detail You put into creation and for being at work even when we can’t see it.