Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Spring Things

At this time of year, we here in Manitoba, start looking for signs of spring. Yes, the calendar says spring, but our weather doesn’t always agree.

I did find a few signs that spring is on the way. 

The Ground Squirrel has woke up and is busy feeding himself. That seems to be what they do best.

One evening while waiting for the sunset, I noticed the grasses and how they were highlighted by the low angle sun.

Some kind of weed also caught the last rays of sunlight.

Back at my house, I heard a lot of running and thumping. I was surprised when I looked to see that this big old Fox Squirrel was sitting in the window feeder. He seemed too think he owned the place and didn’t even want to leave when I was right up against the window.

A recent crescent moon caught my attention. Sometimes I find the crescent moon even more lovely than a full moon.

Since we are right at the Easter weekend, I will share the words to a song that talks about the Good Friday events. If you care to hear the song, click on the link below.

Three Men On A Mountain


Three men on a mountain

on crosses of shame

But the one in the middle

was the one without blame

The crowd watched in sorrow

at the terrible scene

Three men on a mountain

but only one man

was there dying for me

Verse One:

Friend, close your eyes and imagine

Calvary long, long ago

The sun hid its face

at the dawning of grace,

the earth started shaking below

Verse Two:

He died for my sin and undoing

He died for my pain and regret

Sent down from above

in a scandal of love

this old world will never forget

(Repeat Chorus)

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Bald Eagles

Photographing birds can be a challenge. Even a large bird, like the Bald Eagle can be too high for decent shots. on March 13 of this year, I had the opportunity to capture some good pictures of a couple of Bald Eagles.

The sky was clear and bright, the perfect backdrop for the eagles. I was pleased with this picture.

And even more pleased with this one. I should add that these are not cropped.

This bird just kept on circling lower and lower above me. I know I had a huge smile on my face as the shutter was whirring away. Many shots later, I was more than pleased with what I got.

The next two shots are cropped a little.

This bird seemed to be doing acrobatics in the sky.

If you look closely you can see that it has just had a good feed, as the crop is still very full.

Bear in mind that I am shooting almost straight up. It was a good day of shooting.

This quote is one I can relate to.

Money can’t buy your happiness, but it can buy you camera gear.

And that’s pretty much the same thing. 

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Early Spring SIghts

By the calendar it is officially spring and we can see signs of it all around.

I step out of my house and hear more birds singing than I have in a while. The Red-breasted Nuthatch is a year round visitor, but, they too, seem more active now.

We have had very little snow this winter, but I did find one small stream that was cheerily running along. The sound of running water is so sweet.

You can see that it is still early, as the trees are still bare, but that beautiful blue sky beckoned me to get out and enjoy the sunshine.

Here is a verse to store in your memory.

Isaiah 26:3

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.”

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Aurora Borealis

On Saturday , March 13, I was sitting at home relaxing, when I got a text from Steve. He was out, getting set up for more astrophotography. The text was a picture of the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights he was seeing. His comment simply said 'Amazing'. A little while later a second text stating how beautiful the lights were. I knew I needed to get out of town and have a look.

I was not sorry I had gone. Spectacular! Amazing! Awesome! These were some of the words that came to mind.

Since I am not particularly skilled with night photography , I resorted to using my iPhone 12 Pro. It takes good night shots.

 The Heavens declare the Glory of God!

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Promise Of Spring

Spring is slowly arriving in southern Manitoba .

The following pictures show a few signs of spring.

While out and about the other day, I saw my first Canada Geese fly over. This is by no means a great shot, but since they were the first ones, it will do.

I know, Blue Jays are around all year, but it always seems that their color is a little brighter come springtime.This was taken through a less than clean window.

Puddles of water in the ditches, mean it must be spring. I was fortunate to drive by this one near sunset.

Zooming in on the ice formations, I was able to catch some details,highlighted by the golden glow of the setting sun.

Not one of the most spectacular sunsets, but still a pretty one.

 Something to Think About:

Maybe this day is not  one of your favourites, but 

never forget that every day you wake up is an 

    amazing gift and it’s up to you to make it count.  

Saturday, March 6, 2021

A Few Wings Of Winter

I'm always looking for birds to photograph. Winter has a lot less bird activity in my area, but there are still some. 

The Grey Partridge has been one of those birds which have evaded me for too long. When I came across this covey of birds, and there were a few more than three, I quickly stopped and gave it a try. I am not entirely happy with these results, but they are better than any previous shots.

It seemed that they all had urgent business elsewhere, so I had to be quick to even get these shots.

The Snowy Owl was much more accommodating . I was so thankful for the blue sky and the fact that this owl allowed me to get several shots and stayed there even as I drove away.

She even gave me a good 'looking at you' pose.

No birds in this photo, at least none that I could see, but if you look carefully there is what looks to be a dog lying near the far end of the trees. I did not notice that until I saw the picture on the computer.

I'm so thankful for the beauty in each season.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

A Prayer For You

I have more frost photos, so instead of my words, I will share this little poem. 

Yes, I do pray for you my friends and followers.

I Said A Prayer

I said a prayer for you today

And know that God must have heard.

I felt the answer in my heart,

Although He spoke no word.

I didn’t ask for wealth or fame,

I knew you wouldn’t, mind.

I asked Him to send treasures,

Of a far more lasting kind.

I asked that He’d be near you,

At the start of each new day.

To grant you health and blessings,

And friends to share your way.

I asked for happiness for you,

In all things great and small.

But it was His loving care,

I prayed for most of all.

I trust that the few minutes you spent here will brighten your day.

To God Be The Glory