Thursday, October 31, 2019

Opening The Door To November

Transitioning from one season to another means change,often a lot of change.
As we step into the second last month of the year, we are fully aware of the changes that either have happened or are about to happen.

Gone, are the colourful flowers of summertime and even the gentle raindrops that water the earth.

In Manitoba, if there are still leaves on the trees, they are no longer green, but have turned to the golden shades of fall.
At the time of this writing, we have few, if any leaves left on the trees.

Sometimes winter pays us an early visit, with a surprise dump of snow. That is what happened here in the middle of October.That snow is all but gone, but we know that it is only a matter of time until we get more of the same.

Some of the hardy birds stick around all winter, like the Blue Jays, but most of the song and garden birds have long ago left for warmer areas in the south.

Since our first snow came so early, we still had lots of colourful leaves on the trees. This created some lovely scenes.

To Think About:
If you choose not to find joy in the snow,
You will have less joy in your life,
But still the same amount of snow.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sunday Afternoon Exploration

Today we continue exploring the area near the Leary Brickworks ruins.

Of course when you have a 13 year old with you, you go exploring. 

Water is always a magnet. I'm not sure what Kai was looking for, but she had fun and  that's really all that mattered.

This little stream was right behind the ruins. It was small, but still very pretty.

It was a warm sunny afternoon and these butterflies were keeping busy.

I had been looking down, and when I looked up,I saw this Red-tailed hawk soaring in the sky.

Steve was at the wheel and he took us down some little used roads.The sights along the way were quite lovely.

Here is a look at the road/trail we took.Let's just say,I was happy that we met no oncoming traffic.

I'm glad you had a few minutes of time to join us on a Sunday afternoon drive.
It's always a pleasure to be with family and friends.
Perhaps we can do it again, sometime.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Leary Brick Factory Ruins

Let's take a closer look at the Leary Brickworks site and buildings.
This place is located in a somewhat hidden valley in southern Manitoba.
I have only the knowledge that I have gleaned from the internet so,I will add a link where you can read much more about this historic site, if you wish to.
Leary Brickworks

Below is a closer view of the round kiln that was used. You can still see the word 'danger' above the door.

I was rather daring this time and walked right up to this old building and looked inside.

In another old building I spied these old gears, or whatever they are.They look pretty sturdy, even today.

I cannot elaborate on the old house, just to say that it has been around a long time and would have lots of stories to tell.

The huge brick chimney stands near the kiln, still standing tall all these years later.

Many an outing turns into a teaching event. Kai is using one of her Daddy's cameras and under his guidance is getting some great pictures.

Before we turned to leave, I had to try one last shot of the old chimney, with the sun behind it.

Something To Think About:
Thank you Lord for another amazing day full of so many blessings

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sunday Afternoon Fun With Family

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon in early September, My son Steve, granddaughter Kai and I went for a drive to look for early fall color. We didn't see much color but we sure had a good time exploring some different areas. We made our way to a picturesque valley, north-west of Morden. The area is called St. Lupicien.

At our first stop, I saw a flock of Sandhill Cranes circling overhead.

I love this old, abandoned building with a lovely backdrop of trees.

Looking down the road. The sky was blue and the temperatures were about perfect that day.

Some photographers get out of the vehicle to get that perfect shot, but when you are 13 years old, it seems to be more fun to sit in the window and shoot.

Some of the beauty is in the trees and surrounding area, but it also pays to take note of the smaller plants at your feet.

This valley is known for the abandoned site of The Leary Brick Factory.
You can read a little more about it at this site: Leary Bricks.
Today I show just this one image, but I have at least one more post of photos of this place.Watch for this in a few days.

Something To Think About:
Ain't gonna need this house no longer
Ain't gonna need this house no more
Ain't got time to fix the shingles
Ain't got time to fix the floor
Ain't got time to oil the hinges
Nor to mend no window pane
Ain't gonna need this house no longer
I'm gettin' ready to meet the saints

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

All the photos in this post were taken around the middle of September.
Enjoy the scenes as you are encouraged by the words of a familiar Scripture portion.

Let not your hearts be troubled. 

Believe in God; believe also in me.

 In my Father's house are many rooms. 

If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?   

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, 

that where I am you may be also. 
John 14:1-3

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Warm And Sunny Memories

As I type this,I am seeing a heavy layer of snow outside.We are having our first storm of the season and it is bringing lots of snow ,BUT, I have pictures and memories to warm things up.

All the pictures in this post were taken at the end of August, at the English Gardens in Winnipeg.
A bee wanted to get into the picture as I focused on this Thistle.

It was a pleasure to watch the Ruby-throated Hummingbirds as they prepared to head to their winter home down south.

Got to get each feather looking just right.

Of course the whole time, they make frequent visits to the many flowers. That sweet nectar is just what they need as fuel for their journey.

Some critters, like this little frog use the Water Lilies for a bed/couch. He seemed quite content just to sit there.

 Even though it was toward the end of summer, many flowers were still showing their full beauty.  I am already looking forward to more visits to this garden and others, come next summer.

Something To Think About:
Matthew 6:26
Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

Monday, October 7, 2019

A Bus Driver? Me? Chapter 5

Time for another chapter about bus driving.
The pictures have nothing to do with the story, but are ones I captured recently and enjoy.

 A school division covers quite a large area and buses come from all directions as they head towards the schools in town.This type of job is much different from many others in that you don’t work side by side with your co-workers. Sometimes the distance in miles can also create a distance in friendships. In Western School Division that does not seem to be the case. The drivers in this division have developed a special bond between them. The two-way radios have also helped to bring the drivers closer to each other. 

 Over the years some of the drivers have taken on nick names, which either they gave themselves or were given by others. Some of these names a have a special meaning, others just happened, but whatever the case, this added some color to the driving staff. 

  One such name is Fearless Freddie. Although Fred Allen has already passed away,he is still fondly remembered and most often referred to by his nick name. To my knowledge this name had no special meaning. Never the less, Fearless Freddie has had experiences which few, if any of us, can relate to. Freddie was a war veteran which in itself would be a story to be told, but prior to that he was already involved with school transportation. Fred used to take his route with a team of horses and a covered cutter/sleigh, where eight or nine children could sit. In winter the cutter/sleigh was kept warm by a small heater, possibly fuelled by wood or coal. After serving in the war he again took up the job of bus driving and continued until his retirement. 

Another name, this one with great meaning is, Apple Jean.The name came about because Jean is known far and wide for the many bushels of tasty apples Jean and her husband Merv raise on Spencer’s Mountain. Spencer’s Mountain, right here in southern Manitoba, is a beautiful place, but it is not really a mountain, but more like  a big hill. This hill is home to Merv and Jean Spencer, both of whom were school bus drivers. A fall visit to Spencer’s Mountain is certainly a day to be remembered. The beauty of the colourful fall foliage along the many groomed trails is beyond words. 

  Each morning at 8 o’clock sharp, the good mornings begin with Peter Peters announcing the time and wishing everyone a “Good Morning from Peter’s Paradise.” This title was more than likely given to describe the picturesque setting of Peter and Edna’s farmyard.This yard overlooks the beautiful Pembina Valley. 

   The closeness between the drivers is further strengthened by times out for coffee. On many special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries or the arrival of someone’s new grandchild, all the drivers are invited to a given restaurant in town for coffee. Some of these meeting have added treats such as a carrot cake with a thick layer of cream cheese frosting, or freshly baked chocolate cupcakes. Besides these special times, many of the drivers meet for coffee almost daily. 

   Whatever the reason, whenever the drivers get together there is always much conversation and laughter. This is a time to be encouraged and to discuss the joys and sometimes, problems of each bus. Mostly it is a time to relax and enjoy each others company.

And so we carry on one day at a time, getting those kiddos to and from school.

Friday, October 4, 2019

As Seen Along The Trail

As the title would suggest, these pictures were taken along the trail, Lake Minniwasta trail, to be exact. Yes, these are from several weeks ago, and though the beauty and color is now all but gone, once captured on an image it can last forever.

My God and I go in the field together;

We walk and talk as good friends should and do;

We clasp our hands, our voices ring with laughter;

My God and I walk through the meadow's hue.

We clasp our hands, our voices ring with laughter;
My God and I walk through the meadow's hue.