Transitioning from one season to another means change,often a lot of change.
As we step into the second last month of the year, we are fully aware of the changes that either have happened or are about to happen.
Gone, are the colourful flowers of summertime and even the gentle raindrops that water the earth.
In Manitoba, if there are still leaves on the trees, they are no longer green, but have turned to the golden shades of fall.
At the time of this writing, we have few, if any leaves left on the trees.
Sometimes winter pays us an early visit, with a surprise dump of snow. That is what happened here in the middle of October.That snow is all but gone, but we know that it is only a matter of time until we get more of the same.
Some of the hardy birds stick around all winter, like the Blue Jays, but most of the song and garden birds have long ago left for warmer areas in the south.
Since our first snow came so early, we still had lots of colourful leaves on the trees. This created some lovely scenes.
To Think About:
If you choose not to find joy in the snow,
You will have less joy in your life,
But still the same amount of snow.