Saturday, June 30, 2018

Some Favourites

Another month is coming to an end and my two month summer holiday has begun.As a school bus driver,I look forward to July and August,to have a little break from rigid schedules.

I am sharing a few recent images that I like.There is no special theme to this post, just a few favourites.
I thought this was a pretty scene.Wide open pasture, mostly a clear blue sky and a few fence posts to frame the scene.

Anyone who follows me of Facebook or this blog, knows that I love to watch the sky. Some dark skies just before sunset, added interest to the sky.

As the sun set,I was looking for something different to use in the photo.A coupe of thistle flowers were the perfect choice at least in my opinion.

The clouds never fail to amaze me.Sometimes they are all billowy and white, and at other times, like this, they send long fingers into the sky.

I can't explain just why I love this shot,but I really do like it.The road, leading to the distance and then those beautiful clouds, make for a pleasing image to me.

Something To Think About:
As both Canada and the USA celebrate special days this coming week,Canada,celebrating Canada Day on the first of July and the USA,Independence Day on the fourth, let's celebrate our freedoms.Let us also not forget to pray for our nations and for the leaders.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Lesson From a Lens Ball

Time keeps on slipping by quickly and I can't seem to get blog posts made.
Trust me it's not that I don't want to or that I don't have any pictures to share.Lots of pictures but too many other things that need my attention.
Well,here I am, with a blog post at long last. I hope that at least a few folks have not forgotten about me.

While driving through a marsh area, this male Yellow-headed Blackbird,was kind enough to pose for me.I find these birds to be very attractive.I can't say the same for their voice,but they are using the talent God has given them.

I have so many sunset pictures, but am always ready to get a few more.Each sunset is beautiful and different from all the others.This is actually not directly into the sunset, but rather the setting sun is painting the clouds a beautiful color to the south and to the east.

I mentioned in a previous post about using a Lens Ball to get some shots.Here are a couple more like that.I did find out, though,that you have to be careful when using it in direct sunlight.While holding this ball and trying to get a shot with the other hand,I noticed a stinging in my finger.At first I thought it was a cramp, but it came back just as soon as I held that ball up again.I finally realized that this ball was acting like a very strong magnifying glass and I was feeling the effects of the sun on my finger.  I realized that I could easily burn myself or start a fire with this ball, if I were not careful.

I do wish I could figure out a way to use the ball without my hand being in the shot.

I love the Irises and used to have a lot of them. Due to cutting back drastically on my gardens,I am down to two Iris plants. I do like this flower a lot.

Something To Think About:
Be contagious with your joy,your positivity and your goodness.
It would be wasteful to not share it with those who need it.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Wild Roses and Sunsets

It has been quite a while since we last met here on the blog.I have been busy getting more pictures and just living life.

On June 9th,would have been my Hubby and my 46th wedding anniversary.Of course,I do not celebrate this day, except to remember the good times. Well,this year,God had a surprise for me.
Many years ago,Jake dug up a Wild Rose for me and planted it on the yard.It never amounted to anything and I was ready to cut it down.Well,this year on June 9th,I walked outside and saw that this little shrub had several blooms on it.What a special treat that was!

It looks like the bumble bee was also enjoying this treat.

Steve has a lens ball and I got to try it out.It gives an interesting perspective.

Of course looking toward the sky usually yields some photo worthy sights.

Not too long ago,I was able to capture this images the sun was about to set.

Something to Think About:
Whatever your age, just keep blooming.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Photos and Memories

These pictures have been waiting to be posted for quite a while now.I wondered if I should post them, but as I think about it, it seems very appropriate to do so and to do it now.You see these were all taken when Jake and I walked these tails together.They bring back wonderful memories,and perhaps even more so, because on Saturday,June 9th it will be 46 years since we said, till death us do part.Death has parted us, but it is temporary.We will be together again and this time there will be no parting.

So on to the beauty that we captured many years ago.I do believe that I have taken all these shots.
If memory serves me right, these were all taken in the Assiniboine Forest,within the city limits of Winnipeg.

I love these white birch trunks among the green grass and leaves.

The above photos as well as the next two, were taken in summer.Everything was lush and green.

Walking along these trails was so enjoyable.I recall that I had to stop every few steps and get yet another picture.

We came back to the same place later that year, just as the leaves were beginning to change color. It was delightful.

More birch trees.The golden light adds to the beauty.

Beauty around every bend in the trail. The fall color is very evident, even in the grasses.

As the sun lights up those yellow leaves, they seem to glow.

 I love scenes like this.The bend in the pathway makes me want to see what is just around that bend.

Truthfully,I have not been back to this place since that day when Jake and I were there. I would love to go back sometime, but would rather not do it all alone.At least I have the pictures and the memories.

Something To Think About:

Never measure God's unlimited power by your limited expectations.