Wednesday, January 31, 2018

A Bevy of Birds

This is the last of the old pictures, at least for now.Lots of pictures in this post, but all of the same subject.I chose birds for this post. All photos were taken by Jake,well before the digital era.The slides have been scanned into the computers are now easy to use.

A sleek and well dressed duck, the Scaup is beautiful in it's own way.I think this is a Lesser Scaup.If I'm wrong please correct me in the comments.

Canada Goose,possibly sitting on eggs.

What big eyes you have! An Owlet,likely Great Horned,but I could be wrong.

A House Wren bringing food to the young in the house.These birds seem to have endless energy.

A pretty Common Redpoll.This is a winter visitor in my area.

The well known and well loved American Robin. A bird with one of the most recognized songs.

Male American Goldfinch,lovely to look at and equally lovely to listen to.

Male Eastern Bluebird,a bird with beautiful plumage and a lovely song.

The male Ruddy Duck is a unique looking bird.That blue bill is hard to miss.

The Tree Swallow competes with the Bluebirds for nest boxes.I enjoy watching them.

 The male Pileated Woodpecker is unmistakable.This crow sized bird is becoming more common.
This picture was likely the first shot Jake ever had of this impressive bird.

Closing Thought:

Care for creation honors the Creator.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Just Because

I've titled this post Just Because.
I am sharing the following pictures, just because I happen to like them, and this is a time of year where I get few new pictures, and because it's cold outside and I thought some summer scenes might be the thing to view right now. Oh,I also share them because the photographer was someone very dear to me, my husband Jake.all pictures were taken well before any digital cameras were available.

Because I have many pictures to post,I will keep the words to a minimum.

Flowers growing in our garden years ago.

Windblown flowers.

A clump of Prairie Crocus in early spring.

Yellow Lady Slipper and Wood Anemone.


Steve at about 3 or 4 years of age.Taken on a trip to Colorado.

Monarch Butterfly on roadside Aster

Unknown location.I just like the reflections.

Also unknown location, but just a pleasing scene.

Back in the day when farmers used the small straw bales.Now we mostly see the big round ones.

Another shot from the trip to Colorado.I'm not sure he was always pleased to pose for pictures, but he did it and I'm glad he did.Now he is the one with the camera in hand.

Closing Thought:
One of my many favourite Bible verses.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. 
Jeremiah 29:11 (ESV)

Monday, January 22, 2018

A Summer Walk Down Memory Lane

The calendar may be saying it's January,but for this post,I'm thinking summer.I hope you don't mind getting away from cold, snow and winter weather for just a little while.

The following are still pictures taken by Jake,before the time of digital cameras.
As I was scrolling through my photos,I saw these and just have to share them, for no other reason, than that I like how they look.

I am guessing at some of the locations.I do believe this is at Rainbow Falls in the Whiteshell.

I won't venture a guess on this location, but the deep colors are what drew me to it.

Again,I have no idea where this was.It looks like this couple, unknown to me and I'm pretty sure to Jake as well, were enjoying a leisurely ride down the river.

Look at the peaceful water and the reflections.So pretty.

This is at Rainbow Falls in Whitehall Provincial Park in eastern Manitoba.

This almost looks like the shore of Lake Minniwasta,but I've never seen a patch of flowers like this there.Now,considering that this was many years ago,I guess that could account for the flowers I've never seen.

Wild Monarda is delicate and pretty.This is likely in some rural roadside ditch.

I had better not give a name for these,cause I am just not sure.The purple and yellow sure do make for a nice picture.

I know what this is.This is a patch of Tansy.The small button like flowers are easy to identify.

Not only do I know what kind of flowers these are,but I also know the location.The red Painted Daisy among the white Daisies were growing right on our yard.

 All these lovely scenes are created by God,the Maker of this universe.We get to enjoy their beauty and try our best to capture some of that beauty with a camera.

Closing Thought:
The Maker of the universe is the helper of God’s people! 

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Long Ago Sunsets

I am still sharing photos pulled out of the archives.These were all taken my Hubby,Jake,many years ago.I just hate to see them hiding on my computer so I share them here in hopes that they will cause you to look for beauty around you and to be thankful for each precious moment of life.
On my last post,I shared snowy photos, today,let's warm it up with a few sunset scenes.

Over the years, we took many a drive out into the countryside in order to capture the sunset.
Harvest time was and is always a good time to get pictures like this.

I am not sure just where this was taken, but I do know that I like how it looks.

I know exactly where Jake got this and the next shot.It had been a wet year so there were large puddles of water on the fields.This was one such puddle, but the setting sun turned it into a beautiful spot.This is on the way to the Pembina Valley.

This is a zoomed out view of the previous photo. The colors are simply amazing.

I was with Jake on many photo excursions, even though I did not own a camera at the time.This picture, though,was taken on one of those times when I was not there's I have no idea where it was.

This is another photo, where I am not sure of the location.,These last two images may well have happened even before we were married.I say that simply to say that they are old picture, but still so pretty.

Closing Thought:
Today, feel the awe and wonder of creation.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Looking Back to 1997

Looking through old photos can be a fascinating pastime, but as  blogger, it can result in blogs going back in time.I recently looked back to old photos taken years ago.I may have shared some of these but I also have newer friends who may not have seen them.
Let me set the stage for this post.During the winter of 1996-97,the forecasters were saying that with the amounts of snow we had, there would be no flooding in southern Manitoba that spring.Well,those words were spoken too soon.On April 4,1997,with Crocuses already blooming and the grass coming back to life, we started getting some snow.It snowed all night and then then more the next day.Now all this loose snow and then the winds picked up.We quickly were in ,what has been called the snowstorm of the century. During this storm we got about 20 inches of snow, combined with strong winds. For a few days we were not going anywhere.The following pictures, were taken once the streets had been partially opened.

This is our yard, after the storm. Note the layer of snow on the roof.

Looking south of my house along the street.Cars that had been left on the street were almost buried.

This is from my house looking west along the street.

I said the streets were partially opened, this is what I mean.One lane traffic only.

Residential areas were battling high banks of snow.

It was amazing to drive around and see the huge snow banks everywhere. All this snow melted, and that happened rather quickly, seeing it was already April.This quickly led to the flood of the century in some areas of Manitoba and even North Dakota.

It is fun to look back at these images, but I am OK if we don't get another storm like that any time soon. 

Closing Thought:
 The God who created the universe (and the snow) is the God who loves you.


Thursday, January 11, 2018

All Glory,Honor and Power

Have you ever just taken time to look up into the sky and allowed the majesty and greatness of God overwhelm you? We live on this small ball of dirt, we call earth and home, but there is a vast universe all around us, a universe held in perfect order by God Himself.
Recently the praise band at my church sang, what to me was brand new song.I didn't know the tune, but the words spoke to me and caused me to worship God.
I want to share the words of that song,Cannons by Phil Wickham, with some pictures I have taken and one taken by my son,Steve.

It's falling from the clouds
A strange and lovely sound

I hear it in the thunder and rain
It's ringing in the skies
Like cannons in the night
The music of the universe plays

You are holy great and mighty
The moon and the stars declare who You are
I'm so unworthy, but still You love me
Forever my heart will sing of how great You are

Beautiful and free
Song of Galaxies
It's reaching far beyond the milky way

****Photo by Steve Hiebert****

Lets join in with the sound
C'mon let's sing it loud
As the music of the universe plays

All glory, honor, power is Yours amen
All glory, honor, power is Yours amen
All glory, honor, power is Yours forever amen

 What other words can I say to end this, but
Praise be to God,who loves us and keeps us in His care.