Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Special Month of June

June is upon us.This means that 2017 is about halfway through. June is an exciting month around here. It means the end of another school year and all the excitement that comes with that. It is also a special month, because MANY years ago, in the month of June a little girl was born, so she gets to celebrate her birthday this month. June is also a special month because the yards and gardens are filled with flowers, flowers of every color and each a delight to the eye.The flowers begin to appear in May and keep on coming for most of the summer. The pictures in this post are all taken in  May.

Morden is well known for it's many Ornamental Crab Apple trees. The fruit they bear is good only for birds to eat, but the show they put on in spring is amazing.

Not to be outdone, my apple tree, which bears very tasty fruit, was also covered with blossoms

I love these beautiful pink flowers and have taken many pictures of them this year.

With all the beautiful flowers around, even my granddaughter,Kai,got into the photography game. She picked up Steve's  camera and stated shooting.I took this with my camera.Kai is taking a picture and Dad is giving some guidance.

She later took my camera, which is a little lighter and easier for her to handle.
This is one of the pictures Kai got that day.I think she did an amazing job.

She also got this shot of some of the Periwinkle on my yard.

Closing Thought:
What better answers are there,

To prove God’s holy being.

Than the wonders all around us,

That are ours just for the seeing.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Friends and Fotos

This post is dedicated to all my wonderful friends,both on the blog and on FaceBook.Thank-you for making my life rich and full.
I will be using quotes from a perpetual calendar about friendships.

 To have a friend is to have one of the sweetest gifts that life can bring.

Fern Leaf Peony just emerging.

One of the most welcome places we can find is in the heart of a special friend.

Mourning Dove

A loving relationship is a wanting to celebrate, communicate, and know another's heart and soul.

A pair of American Coot in a courtship ritual.

 Friendship is won, not by the giving of things, but by the giving of the heart.

American Coot

 May you be given more and more of God's kindness, peace and love.
Jude 1:2

White-throated Sparrow

Love, like sunshine's warmth, beams forth on every side and bends to every need.

Setting sun and clouds.

It isn't the big pleasures that count the most; it's making a great deal out of the little ones.

Same sunset as the previous photo, just a few minutes later.

Insomuch as anyone pushes you nearer to God,he/she is your truest friend.

Spring runoff into Lake Minniwasta.This was in reality a small trickle.

Happy times and bygone days are never lost.. In truth, they grow more wonderful within the heart that keeps them.

Another angle of the small runoff into the lake.

God makes our lives a medley of joy and tears, hope and help, love and encouragement.

Calmness of the lake in the early morning.

How sweet the sound of friends laughing together, of sharing the joy of knowing each other so well.

God's way of saying goodnight.

 Closing thought:
How precious it is, Lord, to realize that You are thinking about me constantly!
I can't even count how many times a day Your thoughts turn towards me.
Psalm 139:17

Thursday, May 18, 2017

New Greens,Rain and Robins

Spring brings new life.I think that is why I love this season so much. Everywhere I look I see signs of life, where only a short time ago all was dull and barren. Yes,once again these pictures are from early May,so looking outside now, it looks much different.Green grass ,trees sporting new leaves and even flowers beginning to bloom, but for today, let's look at some early spring scenes.

On a short walk down the trail at Lake Minniwasta,I spied this new growth.It is so delicate and beautiful.

On my own yard, the Maple tree is just beginning to show new leaves.If you could see it today, it is full of lovely vibrant green leaves.I do like the looks of this new growth.

A drive home from Winnipeg with my family, called for a roadside stop, to get a few cloud shots. They only brought some rain, which is good, but they made for some good pictures.

One of the many reasons why I love being with Steve and Kai is that Steve sees the photo opportunities even quicker than I do and doesn't mind stopping for a picture.

Is there a bird that better signals the start of the spring season, than the Robin. I love seeing them.This one was sitting on my deck railing where he was coming to get raisins.

Closing Thought:
A God wise enough to create me and the world I live in is wise enough to watch out for me.  Philip Yancey

Thursday, May 11, 2017

His Eye Is On The Sparrow and Other Creatures Too

A variety of images fill this post.All are taken in early spring.This is a time of excitement as we see new life all around us. I will use the words of the song 'His Eye Is On The Sparrow' instead of my own.

Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come,
Why should my heart be lonely, and long for heav’n and home,
                                                                                                      Brown Creeper.

When Jesus is my portion? My constant Friend is He:
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

I sing because I’m happy, I sing because I’m free,

For His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

“Let not your heart be troubled,” His tender word I hear,

And resting on His goodness, I lose my doubts and fears;

Though by the path He leadeth, but one step I may see;

His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

Whenever I am tempted, whenever clouds arise,
When songs give place to sighing, when hope within me dies,

I draw the closer to Him, from care He sets me free;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;

His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

April in Manitoba

It is time to catch up with my posts. The pictures in today's post were all taken around the middle of April.Things are beginning to turn green here by now.

Any day with scattered clouds in the sky is a good day for photos.

Have I mentioned that I really like reflections? Well I do and this puddle, created from melting snow, gave some lovely reflections.

As I was leaving town just before sunset one day,I saw these fellas.The light was about right for a picture and these White-tailed Deer stopped long enough for me to get a few shots.

A little further down the road a Red-winged Blackbird belted out his tune. I was hoping he would turn around and sing, but he had other plans.

He did finally turn around, but then just sat there.Oh well,I have to be happy with what I get.

Waiting for the sun to go down,I am able to get a few interesting photos.

A pair of Canada Geese fly low over the lake and I know that the light is already to low for a good shot, but I try anyway. This is what I ended up with.I am satisfied with this one.

Another view of the setting sun.

Back on my yard, the feeders are busy.This is a male House Finch.

The subtly coloured female American Goldfinch is still a pretty bird, even without any bright colors.

Closing Thought:
God’s laughter is heard in the song of the birds.