June is upon us.This means that 2017 is about halfway through. June is an exciting month around here. It means the end of another school year and all the excitement that comes with that. It is also a special month, because MANY years ago, in the month of June a little girl was born, so she gets to celebrate her birthday this month. June is also a special month because the yards and gardens are filled with flowers, flowers of every color and each a delight to the eye.The flowers begin to appear in May and keep on coming for most of the summer. The pictures in this post are all taken in May.
Morden is well known for it's many Ornamental Crab Apple trees. The fruit they bear is good only for birds to eat, but the show they put on in spring is amazing.
Not to be outdone, my apple tree, which bears very tasty fruit, was also covered with blossoms
I love these beautiful pink flowers and have taken many pictures of them this year.
With all the beautiful flowers around, even my granddaughter,Kai,got into the photography game. She picked up Steve's camera and stated shooting.I took this with my camera.Kai is taking a picture and Dad is giving some guidance.
She later took my camera, which is a little lighter and easier for her to handle.
This is one of the pictures Kai got that day.I think she did an amazing job.
She also got this shot of some of the Periwinkle on my yard.
Closing Thought:
What better answers are there,
To prove God’s holy being.
Than the wonders all around us,
That are ours just for the seeing.