Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Some of My Favourite Things

As we move ever closer to spring here in Southern Manitoba,I invite you to join me as I look back a number of years, to see what beauty we can find there. I have picked some of my favourite images from the past.
I will say up front, that I am not totally sure of who took all the pictures. Some were taken by me, some by Jake.

At this time of year,The Dark-eyed Juncos begin to show up. Obviously this picture was taken later in the year, as there is green grass to be seen.Right now that area is still covered with a thick layer of snow. I am fairly certain that this is one of my pictures.

The next two shots may well have been taken by Jake, but not necessarily, since I have tried my hand at this type of picture as well.

Again,both of these Tulip pictures would have been taken later in the year, perhaps May or but the beauty is timeless.

I know for certain that Jake got this picture. I also know the place. This was north of Portage La Prairie, at Delta Marsh. The terns were hovering like this just before diving into the water for food. I may be a little biased, but I do think Jake got a fantastic shot of this bird.

Guess what? I know that I took this shot.This is in Winnipeg,in the area called The Assiniboine Forest. This was our first visit to this place. I loved the paths and of course I love the man I was with, so I had to take his picture.Jake was unaware of the fact that I was getting him in the picture.

Closing Thought:
Some people try to turn back their odometers, not me,
I want people to know why I look this way.
I’ve travelled a long way, and some of the roads weren’t paved.

Friday, February 24, 2017

A Cup of Coffee and Some Manitoba Winter

I have one more set of winter pictures to share. Each of these was taken, around the middle of January.
Steve, Kai and I went out for a Sunday afternoon drive to see what the conditions were out in the  country. So come along with me and see a little of what a Manitoba winter is like.

This is a well used road but with the blowing snow it has become  more difficult to drive. No I dd not go any further.I really had no desire to get stuck.

Here is  another road, also one that normally would be well used. I do think we went down this one. It was open, but likely would not be for very long. Our road maintenance crews have been kept very busy this winter, trying to keep the rural roads passable.

Back on my yard,Kai has a large hill to play on or slide down. I don't remember when we last had such large piles of snow on the yard.

The last three pictures were taken on a different day. It was calm, so no blowing snow and no partially closed roads, just beauty everywhere.

Upon closer inspection some of the snow has been sculpted into lovely shapes.

The force of the wind has carved detailed designs in the snow.

After all that snow, would you join me for a cup of coffee.please?
Do you take it black or-------

would you prefer it with some frothed milk?

Thanks for spending this time with me.I enjoyed your company and look forward to meeting here again.

Until we meet again,rememeber:
A person who feels appreciated will always do more than expected.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Harshness and Beauty of Winter

We are winding down with winter,I hope. I do mostly enjoy winter, but the really cold days are not what I enjoy.Winter has so much beauty, but it also has a very harsh side.Today I hope to show you both of these.

On  a sunny winter day one small tree casts a shadow on the snow. It may be cold, but from the warmth of my car it is still beautiful.

Somebody forgot to give this bird the memo, that he should fly south in fall. This one and a friend have been around all winter.You can tell it is cold by the way the heated birdbath is almost covered with frost. The Robins have come daily to get some warm water to drink.

Like I said, winter has a harsh side. The reality is that with all the snow we've had and then add some wind, roads begin to look like this.No,I did not try to drive through this, but might well have have made it.Since I was out here with the car and had no need to go further,I decided to turn around.

The wind has blown the snow into beautiful sculptures.

 I had Steve and Kai with me so despite the cold wind, pictures had to be made. They were both dressed very warmly, so really didn't feel the cold.

I also said that winter has a lot of beauty. An earlier snow that stuck to everything, created this kind of beauty. This has turned a small shrub into a work of art.

The wind blows where it will and in so doing, it creates unique and fascinating scenes. Just look at that sharp layer of snow blown over the edge of a snowdrift.I am always amazed at how the wind can do this. I guess I should not be amazed, because God directs the wind.

Thought for Today:
The whole world is a series of miracles, but we're so used to seeing them that we call them ordinary things. 

Thursday, February 16, 2017


Come with me as we step back to about 2005.By looking at these pictures,I would guess it must have been in the fall of the year. I am sharing them for no other reason than that I like them and the time spent getting these pictures was a happy time. Jake and I spent precious time together enjoying the beauty God has created.
To the best of my recollection, these pictures are all taken in the Assiniboine Forest in Winnipeg.I don't have a lot of details about the forest, but I do know that it is in Winnipeg and it is a lovely place to walk and enjoy nature.

A path like this is charming and makes me want to see what is around the next bend.

Some of the paths are narrower,but all are well maintained. 

I don't recall seeing many birds or other wildlife, but the walk through the forest was very enjoyable.

The fall colours add to the beauty of the scenes.Can't you almost smell that distinctive fall smell, even while looking at this picture?

Just so we don't forget that winter need not be over just yet,I will add a more recent shot. In my part of the world, we can get some very heavy snows in March,so although it is very pleasant now, we might well see more snow and even storms.This picture was taken a few years ago and shows the end of a branch on one of the evergreens, all coated with frost.

Life may not always give us what we want but through it all let these words be an encouragement:
So,amid the conflict whether great or small,
Do not be disheartened God is over all;
Count your many blessings, angels will attend,
Help and comfort give you to your journey's end.
(from the song Count Your blessings)

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Kitchen Makeover

Ever since we moved into this house in 1992,I have been dreaming of having a white kitchen.
Jake and I had talked about it, but it seemed like a lot of work and neither of us enjoyed painting so it just never happened.
One Saturday morning, Steve asked I had ever considered having  white kitchen cupboards.Of course I had but it seemed out of reach.Before that day was over both he and I had done some research online and visited a popular paint and decorating store. We had all the information we needed and Steve was willing to do the work. This post has lots of pictures so bear with me.

This is the way the kitchen looked before we made any changes.

The first order of the day was to remove all the brown door pulls.
You may also notice that the wall paint has changed color. That happened years earlier and the rose border above the cabinets is also gone.

The cabinets were washed down with a product called TSP. This takes all the grease and dirt off them.Then they were sanded.The holes from the pulls had to be filled with putty and sanded, and the painting can begin.It was two coats of oil base stain blocker primer that went on first. The primer was oil based but was completely odourless.That was wonderful.

Kai got in on the fun as well and primed several of the doors. Thankfully I had some old long tables downstairs which could be used as work surfaces.

Once the primer had dried Steve put on two coats of Benjamin Moore Advance top coat in a Pearl finish.The top coat was a latex.

This was the primer we used.

This is the top coat.It was tinted in Cloud White.

With each new step.I was thrilled to see  the difference.

Both sides have been painted, now for the backsplash.

The built-in china cabinet has a new life as well and I love it.

On a Saturday,while I was in Winnipeg at Mission Fest,Steve started with the backsplash.
I am super thrilled with how it looks.

The backsplash is something called Smart Tile.These are vinyl tiles which are peel and stick and look like glass tiles.It is very easy to apply them and according to the research I have done, they are very durable. Numerous reviews said they were the best brand to use.

We had at first considered refinishing the counter top as well, but I really like the light and bright look it has now,so we won't be changing that.

I am not getting any endorsements for mentioning the products by name.I just wanted to put the info out there in case someone is interested.

I still walk into the kitchen and stop to admire how it looks.I would never have tried doing this on my own. A huge thanks goes to Steve who has worked diligently to give his Mama a new kitchen.
Perhaps I should spend time in this new kitchen and bake him a special treat.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Birds For All Seasons

Look at the birds.
They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them.
And aren't you far more valuable to him than they are?
Matthew 6:26

We all enjoy watching the birds.I often think that as they gather food, they have to work so hard to get a tiny little seed.
This Robin showed up one winter, quite a few years ago.
It is not uncommon to see a Robin in winter.There has been one or two on my yard all winter.

Even the smallest of birds have to work to provide for their family.Many years ago,I was fortunate enough to watch a Ruby-throated Hummingbird put the finishing touches on the nest.

The Tree Swallows are cute.They look rather sophisticated in their dark suits, but they sure are charming.

Some years we have many Common Redpolls around, and then it may be years before they show up again. This one was checking ut the food supply at the window feeder.

Summer brings the Hummingbirds to the nectar feeder.These tiny birds are always on the move.

All photos in today's post were captured by Jake, some of them many years ago.

Closing Thought:
God loves the birds and provides for them.
Consider how much more He love you and me.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Finding Winter Beauty

Winter is not over yet, so we may as well look for the beauty in this season.
Truly, it is not hard to find beauty in winter and here are a few pictures that I hope will prove that.

No, these are not from today, but as the large snowflakes are drifting down today, they are creating more lovely scenes like this.
The male Hairy Woodpecker, looks lovely in the sunlight.He is one of the many birds who enjoy my homemade suet.

Let's take a short drive out of town, on a snowy day and see what beauty awaits us there.
This scene is what I found.Hoar frost covered trees and shrubs.

Lake Minniwasta still has some beauty to offer, even on a dull, overcast day. Here too, the hoar frost has coated the trees and helped to create a lovely scene.

Look at all that frost on the trees.I hope you see the tremendous beauty in this, as I see it. God has once again touched the trees and turned them into works of art.

Back on my yard, more correctly, back in my house, I look out the window and see the Pileated Woodpecker at the suet.Some slow movements, as I get the camera and I am able to capture that bright red crest on this pretty girl.

Closing Thought:
We would worry less if we praised more.