Saturday, October 31, 2015

Birds and Animals of Fall

Summer has passed and fall is slowly fading into winter.
Many birds have left this area for warmer homes down south,but some still remain to bring us pleasure.

 I love the simple little Dark-eyed Junco.They may not have brilliant color or even a memorable song,but they bring joy to the fall and winter landscape.

As our summer birds travel south,so do the Snowy Owls.The only difference is that they spend their summers up north and then move into our area for winter.
This is the first Snowy Owl of the season for me. It was a rather windy day,as is evidenced by the out of place feathers.

Toward the middle to end of October the White-tailed Deer become more active.
These were two fawns that had been grazing with Mom,but felt the need to move on when I stopped to get their picture.

This doe paused long enough for me to get several shots.She had no reason to be afraid,as I was shooting with a camera only.Hunting season is upon us and that means the deer become more cautious,and rightly so.

I noticed this deer way out in the field and liked the way that the sun was highlighting it's back.A perfect picture this is not,but it is one I happen to like.

Closing Thought:
The person who has stopped being thankful has fallen asleep in life.
Robert Louis Stevenson

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Garden Joys from City to Country

This post is a continuation from the last one.The pictures are all taken on a day in early September,2015. It is my aim to show that both city and country have a lot of natural beauty.

We start this blog in the English Gardens.The Cleome are delicate and beautiful.

No visit to the English Gardens is complete without at least one rose photo.

The Gardens are always new and fresh.I had not seen this before.
Around a small pool,they filled these planters with succulents.

At the Water lily pond,I was impressed with the way this bud looked under the water.
Yes,they do add some blue tint to the water.I'm guessing it is something to keep the water cleaner.

Now we leave the city and head over to an acreage,owned by by Jake's brother and his family.
They have recently acquired this property and since I don't have to do the yard work,I enjoy the beauty all around the yard.
The late day sun highlighted these grasses and that caught my eye.

In the garden the Sunflowers were very pretty.The bee seemed to enjoy them as well.

Of course,I have to take a look at the back side of the sunflower.I love all that detail.

Still in the backyard of this place.The pond may be covered with algae but it is a place of beauty.

Once again,it was the evening light which added extra beauty to an already lovely place.

The yard is beautiful,but I must say it is the love and warm welcome I receive each time I go,that draws me back again and again.

Today,I am thankful for beauty in city and country,but even more,I am thankful for the love of family.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

A September Visit to The English Gardens

Back in early September,Steve,Kai and I went to Winnipeg for the day. We spent part of that day at the English Gardens. Kai was quick to spot the frogs in the Lily Pond.
This one is sitting and enjoying the sunshine.

This  froggy peeked though a broken leaf.

It was a cool day so some of the flowers had not opened fully,but still showed the beauty hidden in each flower.

Some of the Lilypads looked almost like molten metal,floating on the water.

In another part of the Gardens,the Hydrangeas were putting on quite a show.

The flowers were pretty,but this face was the most beautiful of them all.

Kai loved climbing on and posing with the sculptures.

One more shot of my favourite girl.

I hope you enjoyed this look back at our visit to the English Gardens.
I love spending time with Steve and Kai and the English Gardens are always a good choice in my mind.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Random Photos and Friendship

This post is filled with random photos and some quotes out of a perpetual calendar called,
'Two Voices One Song,The harmony of Friends'.

A true friend is always loyal.
Proverbs 17:17

This is a scene in a roadside field.

Because I have known you,my friend,I know more of my God.

Sandhill Cranes preparing to leave for southern parts.

Unhappiness does not necessarily come from not having this or that.
If we have each other,we have everything.
Mother Teresa

A late evening shot at the local lake.

Be completely humble and gentle;be patient,bearing with one another in love.
Ephesians 4:2

Sunflowers nearing harvest time.

Some people make the world special just by being in it.

Heavy sunflower heads.

Every time we encourage someone,,we give them a transfusion of courage.
Charles Swindoll

Spider web on the downspout of my house.

And a closer look.

Anything,everything,little or big becomes an adventure when the right person shares it.
Kathleen Norris

Add a light mist and the look changes.

God has a purpose for your life and no one else can take your place.

How blessed the heart that is touched by the love of a friend.

This post is dedicated to all my friends.
Thank you for the part you have in my life.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Manitoba Wildlife and Sunsets

The seasons march on and change is all around.I guess the only thing that remains constant is that I am always posting pictures that are not very recent.
In early September I spent quite a lot of time driving around and that resulted in seeing animals,birds and sunsets.

Today,I share a set of photos taken around southern Manitoba in early September of 2015.
Unfortunately,by the time the deer come out of the woods,it is usually too late for good light,so the pictures are not perfect,but I share them anyway,because I was thrilled to see the deer.

Here mama and her twin fawns are at the edge of the bush.

Once a birder,always a birder,so when I saw this Red-tailed hawk,I had to get some shots.

He,on the other hand had different ideas.I was pleased to catch this shot right on lift-off.

At another location,this Bald Eagle was perched in a lone tree.Once again,the bird was much too far away,but I still like the photo.

Closer to the road,the cattle was grazing contentedly.

 While driving along on the country roads my sister,Becky and I were discussing how we see does and fawns but never get to see a buck.We had no sooner uttered those words,when I saw two beautiful bucks in the ditch on the right hand side of the road.I knew I had no chance of getting out,so I fired a quick shot through the window of the car.

Both of these bucks slowly crossed the road and walked just into the bush on the left hand side of the road.This one stopped and turned to look at me.My camera was not set right and the light was low,but this is what I got.Isn't he pretty.He is still in velvet.

We drove a little farther and waited for the sun to set and were not disappointed with the show.

The color intensified as the sun went lower.

The sun is bidding us goodnight.It had been a great evening.

One thing that I learned from this excursion is,the photos may not all turn out sharp and clear,but the memories they hold are perfect.
Come to think of it,that's much like life.It does not always turn out perfectly but the memories we make along the way are priceless.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Be Thankful Everyday

Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends. 
It is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada,but in my opinion,we ought to be thankful every day.

The pictures I am sharing go back to early September of this year.
I love to see the geese flocking like this in preparation of their flights south.

Usually,when one of them is spooked,the whole flock takes off.That is an amazing sight of wings in motion.

 Back in early September,the Hummingbirds were very active at the feeders.I do prefer pictures of them at flowers,but at the feeder is where they want to be,so I have to settle for those shots.

Of course the seed tray is also busy. I have Red-breasted Nuthatches around all year and I love them.

 This immature Ruby-throated Hummingbird seems to be contemplating if he should take a drink or not.

It doesn't take too long,until they find a favourite branch to land on before coming to the feeder.

Of course,where there are two or more Hummers,there is bound to be some fighting going on.These two blend into their surrounding swell.

The day draws to a close.Harvest time often brings beautiful sunsets.I think it could be in part because of the grain dust in the air.

The farmers work late into the evening to get the last of the crop in.

This is a 'for fun' picture. Riding off into the sunset.

It may be Thanksgiving for you or it may come a little later,but I challenge you,
every day find at least one thing for which to give thanks.

Let me start with a few of the things I'm thankful for:
The love of family and friends,
The freedom to worship God openly.
The beauty of nature all around me,————
I could go on and on.