Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Of Friendships and Sunset

I dedicate this post to all my dear friends,both far and near.
Please know that each of you holds a special place in my heart.
I prepared this post a week ago,but didn't post it then.Little did I know at the time that the words I used would be so appropriate now.I REALLY do appreciate all my friends.Ft those who didn't already know,I had emergency surgery on Friday night and one of my dear friends,Betsy posted a prayer requite for me on Facebook.That meant so much to me.I needed those prayers and still do as I recover. Let's remember to pray for each other during the rough times as well as the good times.

Paired with each photo is a quote I found in a friendship booklet I have.

Because I have known you,my friend,I have known more of my God.

Only He who created the wonders of the world entwines hearts in an eternal way.

Friends are a special gift from God——
they always see the best.
Those who share this kind of friendship know that they are blessed.

Anything,everything,little or big becomes an adventure when the right person shares it.
Kathleen Norris

God has a purpose for your life and no one else can take your place.

How blessed is the heart that is touched by the love of a friend.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Fungi Ruffles,Butterfly and Birds

On some of my recent travels around southern Manitoba,I ended up on an old cemetery.I was looking for the burial sight of my mother-in-law,that I never got to know. She passed away long before I met Jake.I didn't find her grave but I did find some fungi ruffles.

To me this looked like a ruffled skirt,nestled up against the tree trunk.

Of course I had to get a closer look.

Here are the ruffles in a closer look.

I just never get tired of the sky when I look out of my back door in the morning.

I have not seriously pursued butterfly photography,but will try to capture one when I see it.

Sitting on my deck,enjoying the sunshine often gives me a chance to capture birds at the bird bath or on a nearby tree.I love the Black-capped Chickadee.

This Mourning Dove sees me and isn't quite sure about my presence.Look at those pretty pink feet.

Closing Thought:
Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Sunset in Rural Manitoba

Come along with me to a favourite spot to view one of our fabulous sunsets.
This spot is not far from where I live and it has a nice place to park and enjoy the evening.

Before the sun gets too low,I have to capture the Tansy that is growing around the edge of this place.

One more picture before we lose too much light. A Canadian flags waves proudly in the Manitoba sky.

And now the sun has dipped low in the sky and the clouds are painted in light.

 As you all know,capturing a sunset is all about being at the right place at just the right moment.
The colors change when I move the camera over just a little.This is softer,yet just as pretty,in my mind.

As the colors deepen,I have to keep on getting more pictures. This particular sunset was gorgeous and the clouds looked so soft,like pillowy bands of gold.

Closing Thought:
Praise and thanksgiving have little to do with our circumstances
and everything to do with our inner attitude toward God.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Wonder of Life

On a recent drive in rural Manitoba,I came across two Red-tailed Hawks that allowed me to get their picture. As is most often the case,I had time for only a couple of quick shots before they were out of range.

I liked they way they posed together in one tree.

Wings up and tail fanned out and away he goes.

These shore birds were much too far away for good pictures,but I do like the fanned tail and the wing pattern on the Killdeer.

The next two shots are poor quality,but the light was low and there was no time to adjust any settings on the camera. This doe sees me and will not wait around for long.

Tail goes up and away she bounds.

Closing Thought:
There's a wonder to life.
Pursue it. Hunt for it.
Your goal is not to live long;it is to live!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Belated Blog Anniversary

September 1,2008,I posted my first blog post right here.
Back then the title was 'Jake and Ruth's Photo Blog'.
Many changes have happened since then,but I still enjoy blogging and love the friends I have met here and the new ones that I still meet.

This is the first picture I posted,not much to look at but I loved watching the skies back then and I still do.

On September 8,2008,on my 8th post,I got my first two comments,after posting the following pictures.
Many of you have seen this and the following pictures more than once,but I still cherish them and the memories that go with them.
I got this picture from the car,as I had stayed there to wait while Jake tried to get a picture.

This is what Jake was seeing through his camera.

Moments later the coyote ran across the road and stopped just long enough for me to get this last shot of him.

These are precious memories and bring a smile even as I'm typing the words.

Thanks to each one who has,over the years,followed my blog,through the ups and downs of life.
You are all very special to me and I wish for you a life filled with blessings.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Yellow and Gold

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
We have all heard this saying and I know that it is very true. I sometimes see beauty where others would walk right on by.
I live in a farming community and so seeing endless fields of a variety of crops is not unusual.
What is unusual,or at least,has changed since I started pursuing photography,is that I see more beauty in these crops than I did before.

A field of sunflowers is an amazing sight. If one flower is pretty,more are better.

Getting a little closer to the flowers. The colors are rich and in time the resulting seeds will generate cooking oil or bird feed,depending on what variety of seeds were planted.

Goldenrod,you either love it or hate it. Some people have allergies which do not allow them to enjoy this pretty flower,but thankfully,I am not one of those people.

A field of ripening grain is gorgeous. I think this is wheat,but please correct me if I'm wrong. I am not a farmer,just live in a farming community.

A closer look at one of the heads of grain. In time this will be turned into food for our people.

Rolling hills all covered with grain which will in turn be turned into food of some sort.
I may not be a farmer.but I sure am thankful for the men and women who spend long hours on the fields so that I can purchase the foods I enjoy.

Closing Thought:
We are all a little broken,but the last time I checked
broken crayons still color.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Just Outside My Door

Oh how I wish I could have each of you come for a visit to my house.
We could sit and share our hearts,while enjoying the beauty of God's creation.

Your eyes might be drawn to the pink Geraniums which have bloomed non-stop from spring till today and are still loaded with buds.

Perhaps the soft yellows of the Wax Begonia would catch your attention. This is another plant that has been literally covered with blooms from spring on. It has so many of these small flowers that one can hardly see any leaves.

As we sit and chat,we are joined by a small visitor.The Black-capped Chickadee comes for a small seed,offered in the tray standing on the deck railing.

It's a warm sunny day,so a Dragonfly lands momentarily on a table leg.

The Chickadee has returned for yet another seed. He seems to be checking us out with a sideways look.

I hope you enjoyed your virtual visit at my house and please do come again.
I love sharing my humble home with my friends both near and far.

Closing Thought:
Friendship,like a garden in season,nourishes those who share in it's bounty.