Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Buds and Blossoms On My Yard

With the month of June done,I can say that I am officially on a two month break from bus driving.What will I do with my time? Perhaps I can sit and enjoy the flowers on my yard,or take my cameras out for an adventure.

Today I share with you flowers that are ,or have bloomed on my yard this spring.If you were to come to see them in person,I would offer you a cup of tea or coffee,but since I can't do that from a distance,I just say,'Thanks' for stopping by my blog to see what I have to share.

I have one Mock Orange shrub,that is usually loaded with flowers like this each spring.

The Lantana I planted in a pot on my deck is doing very well.

These Peonies bloom for a short time in spring,but when they do,they are gorgeous.

The soft and simple shape of the Peony bud is exquisite.

This is a small corner on my deck.I love watching the birds come for a bath or a drink,surrounded by bright flowers.

To the left of the Lantana in the photo above is this bright pink Geranium.Yes,I know that these colors all don't match or even coordinate,but I enjoy them all and so do the birds and insects.

Closing thought:
Friends are God's way of taking care of us.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Cattle/Bison on a Thousand Hills

In the Bible we read:

For every animal of the forest is mine,
and the cattle on a thousand hills.
11 I know every bird in the mountains,
and the insects in the fields are mine
(Psalms 50:10-11 NIV)

I am sure that although these may not be typically what we think of when we think of cattle,but I do believe that God ultimately owns these Bison as well.

Just west of Morden,my home town,is a farmer who raises Bison.They may not be the most beautiful animals,but they are massive.

This one is checking me out,but really seemed unconcerned about my presence.

The young are quite cute and typical of any young animal,at times were very playful.

One of these huge bulls was right close to the fence and I was sure to use my telephoto lens,so as not to disturb him.He looks very serious.

One last look at one of the calves.Notice also the strong fence in which they are enclosed.

The owner has been known to say that although he raises them,they are still considered wild and caution is advised around them.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Springtime Greens and More

Springtime colors are so fresh and vibrant.I already have so many pictures of newly emerging leaves,but each year I get more.
I don't usually show so many pictures in one post,but in order to get caught up I feel the need to do that.

Words will be few,so enjoy the photos as they are.

Double-crested Cormorant peeking over the grasses.

Oak leaves and flowers.

Early spring at the creek.

A fallen tree and a few blades of grass,make a nice contrast.

Hooded Merganser.

One of my favourite spring sights.

Green on green.

One of the Thrushes.

Ornamental Flowering Crab Tree.

Beauty in the details.

Just remember,even your worst days only have twenty-four hours.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

A Day of Birding

On May 16 a group of friends got together for a day of birding.We were led by Al Schritt,who is an expert birder.Also with us was Luc Blanchette,another bird expert.Both these guys can identify birds quickly and often just by sound. This year I was not abe to be with the group for the whole day,but even part of the day was a fun experience.

Here we are at the local lagoons,looking for water and shore birds.

 This pair of Eared Grebes gave us a wonderful show.Part of their mating ritual is the water dance,which they are performing here.

When the dance is over they settle down into the water and swim along side by side.

A Yellow-rumped Warbler perched near-by in the shrubs.He almost blends in with the leaves.

Canada Geese were everywhere.

This Song Sparrow was sitting much too far away for a really good shot,but I tried anyway.

Steve cropped it in this way and now I will get a canvas print of this one. So sometimes,what at first looks like a ho-hum shot ends up being much better than that.

 God's miracles are to be found in nature itself; the wind and waves, the wood that becomes a tree - all of these are explained biologically, but behind them is the hand of God.
    Author: Ronald Reagan

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Springtime Blessings

Today's thought are all taken from a perpetual calendar called 'The Beauty of Friendship'.
Since each of you is a friend and special to me in your own way these are good words to share.

 Seeds of kindness will yield a bountiful harvest of blessings.
Apple Blossoms

When you're with a friend,your heart has come home. Emily Farrar
Apple Blossoms

Happiness is something that comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open. Rose Wilder Lane
Wood Violet

Were there no God we would be in this world with grateful hearts and no one to thank.
Christina Rossetti
Wild Plum?

In the plan of God,a friendship is a touch of heaven on earth.And we can all bring a touch of heaven into someone' life.
Mark Connolly
Dew drops on grass

God's blessing makes life rich;nothing we do can improve on God.
Proverbs 10:22 The Message

Friday, June 12, 2015

Feeling Mighty Fine

Let me just say that the pictures today,have little or nothing to do with the words.The pictures are there for you to enjoy,even if you choose not to read my ramblings.

This has been a busy,but good week. I have felt the blessings of God in very real ways.
It all started on Sunday,when my only sibling,my sister took me out for an ice-cream treat at the local DQ,in honor of my upcoming birthday.

On Tuesday it was the fifth year of remembering our wedding anniversary,without my dear Jake at my side.God answered the prayers of so many friends and I had a fantastic day.

Yesterday,June 11,was my birthday,and again,so many friends stopped by my Facebook page to wish me a Happy Birthday that it had to be a good day.
I spent part of my day doing what I love to do,being out in nature with my camera.
No,none of these pictures are from that outing,but were taken a few weeks back.

I had lunch with my son,something I always enjoy and a time I treasure.

I ended my day by having two friends over for pizza and a couple of hours of my favourite music.
Legacy Five sang to us via YouTube and I thoroughly enjoyed that.Only thing better would have been to be at a concert with them.
Here is a link to one of my many favourites by them,and I truly woke up this morning Feeling Mighty Fine.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Spring Flowers and Spoiled Birds

Once again,step back with me a few weeks to the middle of May.I want to share a little of what I saw during that time.

I had only two Tulip blooms,but they sure were pretty.I think I planted the Tulips in the wrong location.They don't get enough sunlight,so I have to be content with what I get.

Each spring I wait for the signs of life on the Fern-leaf Peony which a friend gave to me.This year it has done better than in previous years.It is a small plant,but I had six flowers on it.

OK,I will admit that I spoil my birds,but it is so worth it.The Robins have a steady supply of raisins at my house,and no,I am not adding up the costs.I really don't want to know,because,the joy they bring me is priceless.

I think this one may be feeding babies somewhere.He/she has the bill quite full.

And then there are the Baltimore Orioles! I LOVE having these birds around.They bring a splash of color before most of the flowers are in bloom.

Did I mention that I spoil my bird? This Oriole is making his way down to the grape jelly.

Albert Einstein has said;
There are two ways to live.
One as though nothing is a miracle.
The other as though everything is a miracle.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Springtime Greens

We are by now well into spring,but the following pictures were taken in early spring.
I must say a thank-you to some of my friends,the ones who I know are checking this blog,but don't leave comments. I really do appreciate each of you that takes the time to look at my pictures and read my simple writings. I also am inspired to blog more regularly when I meet you in person and you remind that it's been a while since the last post. So thanks to all who encourage me,whether by leaving a comment or by telling me in person that you are following this blog.

An early spring rain left the evergreen boughs decorated with raindrop jewels.

This old wagon is always a good photo opportunity.On this particular night,I was hoping for a pretty sunset,but the clouds moved in and put an end to that,however the wagon still looks good against a cloudy sky.

A roadside pond was perfect for a reflection shot.

On my yard a lone Dandelion grows,nestled in the grass.The first few Dandelions are pretty,but after a while when the lawn has too much yellow,they lose some of their charm.

On the apple tree the buds are waiting for warmer days to open up. I kind of like how they look,even at this stage.

In the line of thankfulness,here is a quote I found and want to share.
Thank You God for all your blessings to me and my family.
For the strength you give me each day and for all the people around me who make life more meaningful.